What format and why? I plan on making a music video I have decided to do a music video as I am very interested in music and I find that it is the best way for me to show my creative skills. The typical conventions in music videos are long and medium shots emphasis on the artist(s) and location but close ups are also used to show emotions but also for more accurate lip syncing. The most common camera movement is tracking to follow the artist(s). Depending on the type of music video the mise on scene will be different, for a performance music video the entire band should be present, playing their instruments. In a narrative music video the mise on scene will be the location and objects/props present which are relevant to the narrative. The main uses of editing in music videos are jump cuts to show time passing and also dissolves are often used to add variety. The costume is also important as it helps with the mise on scene as it can imply genre. For example in pop music, the people will generally be half naked/ wearing colorful clothes. The genre of music I plan to make a video for is black metal. The conventions of black metal music videos include dark colours, Band members playing instruments, the telling of a story is often used to tell stories about of Satanism, occultism and anti organized religion. Example on next slide.
A clip from the song “my funeral”
Intended project The song that I plan to do the music video for is “Buried by time and dust” by mayhem. The type of music video I will do is a performance/narrative hybrid. The narrative for the video is about a man who is confused between reality and the visions in his head, during the video he searches for his grave to discover whether he is alive or dead. The characters included will be the man searching for his grave and “necro messiah” the elusive being carrying out the performance parts.
Technical aspects I will mostly be using medium shots however I will also incorporate long shots and close ups for different effects. All my shots will be desaturated, also the narrative based shots will have a grainy effect. The only sound that will be used is the song that the video is for. I will either setting the video in clapham woods or goring gap woods, the mise on scene will include a forest setting and the characters will be wearing dark/ragged clothes. “Necro Messiah” will be wearing corpse paint. There will also be instruments for the performance part. There will be high key lighting where the source is the sunlight
Intended audience Audience demographic of music video pinterest board People who will be interested in the music video are likely to be people who like black metal, they likely already like bands such mayhem, darkthrone, burzum and The age demographic would likely be young adults to middle-aged people as black metal arose in the late 80’s. These types of people may be interested in my music video as it will follow many of the conventions of other black metal music videos so therefore it should appeal to the demographic. They may also be interested in the video as there is currently isn’t a music video for the song. The music video will conform to Google's regulations on adult content as the video only shows minimal violence and no other forms of adult content.