Flashdance 1 Flashdance 1
Practice 1 Fourth Grade –30 seconds Fifth and Sixth Grade –15 seconds
15- 3 x 4+ 8 C
Practice 2 Fourth Grade –30 seconds Fifth and Sixth Grade –15 seconds
24x 2 + 9÷ 3 CC
Practice 3 Fourth Grade –30 seconds Fifth and Sixth Grade –15 seconds
Practice 4 Fourth Grade –45 seconds Fifth and Sixth Grade –30 seconds
) x (()( + ) ÷÷ -
Practice 5 Fourth Grade –40 seconds Fifth and Sixth Grade –20 seconds
Practice 6 Fourth Grade –40 seconds Fifth and Sixth Grade –30 seconds
Practice 7 Fourth Grade –40 seconds Fifth and Sixth Grade –20 seconds
3, +7, 2, x4, -6, 2, x3, +2, -2, 3 = 3 ÷÷÷
Practice 8 Fourth Grade –Not used Fifth and Sixth Grade –15 seconds
LDLD LC = 111° LE = 156° LD =
Practice 9 Fourth Grade –30 seconds Fifth and Sixth Grade –20 seconds
Practice 10 Fourth Grade –30 seconds Fifth and Sixth Grade –15 seconds
Practice11 Fourth Grade –30 seconds Fifth and Sixth Grade –15 seconds
4, ÷4, x10, -8, x5, +6, +4, ÷2, +6 = 2
Answers Trade Papers