What has changed in the past 10 years? Methods of communication Availability of information Homeworking increased Computer functions improved Methods of storage The internet The name - ICT
Main uses of Information Technology DECISION MAKING Spreadsheets and internet can assist managers in their work PROVISION OF INFORMATION Easier to get information to people using Charts and graphs can be produced easily and assist the sales department
MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS Databases can save vast amounts of information HR department will benefit COMMUNICATION Various packages can be used to communicate information , internet, video-conferencing, word processor etc
Types of ICT - hardware PC – desktop, laptop, handheld Videoconferencing – cameras linked to computer Telecommunications – instantaneous via telephone digital network or satellite
Multi-media equipment – digital camera, animation etc e-commerce – using the internet for selling Computer controlled machinery – robotics for production etc
What software is available? Database Spreadsheet Word Processing Desktop Publishing Computer Graphics Electronic Diary Communication
NETWORKING Joining computers together to share resources and communicate Requires File Server (mainframe computer) Connected using Fibre Optic Cables Transfer of information is managed using ‘switches’
LANWAN LOCAL AREA NETWORK Computers in a small area or building Fortrose Academy Easy to manage(?) Less room for error WIDE AREA NETWORK Computers linked in remote locations often using satellite Ford or Nissan Require specialist management
Agriculture - machinery, pesticides, biological research, GM research Oil Industry - drilling and research, processing of oil Fishing - fish farming, refrigerated boats, tagging of fish APPLICATIONS IN THE PRIMARY SECTOR
Can we really buy anything on the internet? TEST THE THEORY I would like you to find:- Flowers for a birthday The latest book by Tad Williams and Someone to design and print my wedding stationery
APPLICATIONS IN THE SECONDARY SECTOR Robots in production processes Computer aided design Computer aided manufacture Computer integrated manufacture New materials and uses for them
APPLICATIONS IN THE TERTIARY SECTOR Government services - health care, police, fire Financial services - telephone banking, internet Hotels, restaurants and transport (travel) Advertising and retail
BENEFITS OF ICT Aids decision-making, speeds up information transfer and handling Allows businesses to be more competitive Increases labour productivity Decrease in customer complaints Decreased costs due to homeworking Improved working environment – safety Higher incomes
COSTS OF ICT Capital investment may be high – hardware and software can be expensive Systems can be bought or leased Training will often be required Businesses must be proactive in keeping up with developments Breakdowns Motivation Management IT problems
Health and Safety Issues Working on computers can cause risk to health The ergonomics of workstations should be considered Furniture should be adjustable Eye tests should be available
Data Protection Acts Data Protection Act was introduced in 1984 because of concerns about the amount of information being held on computer systems
Basic Principles The Data Protection Act provides rights for individuals and requires organisations to follow good information-handling practice. The 1984 Act covers information held on computer
Recent Amendments The Data Protection Act 1998 came into force on 1 March It replaces the 1984 Act. The new Act covers manual records as well as those on computer eg health records, school records, and some social services records.
Key Terms Data User = almost anyone who uses a collection of personal data held on computer Personal Data = information about a living, identifiable person
Eight Principles Personal Data must be: processed fairly and lawfully be obtained only for one or more specified, lawful and compatible purposes be adequate, relevant and not excessive be accurate and up-to-date not be kept for too long be processed in accordance with the Act be protected by proper security not be transferred without consent
If a data user does not comply... The Registrar can serve 3 notices: an enforcement notice a deregistration notice a transfer prohibition notice - to prevent the data being transferred overseas Failure to comply is a criminal offence