Mrs. Hill
About Me Went to Murrieta Elementary as a student Lived in the area for more than 35 years Majored in Kinesiology at Sacramento State Teaching credential from Chapman University Taught with the District for 16 years Masters Degree in Integrated Arts Curriculum from Lesley University
Curriculum Math Math 6 – Topics include: number sense, fractions, decimals, percent, geometry, probability, and algebra. Each day the students will complete a warm-up, class notes, and homework. Text: Prentice Hall Mathematics, California 6 th Grade Math, 2009 Science Science 6 – Sixth grade science focuses on earth science. Topics include: geology, meteorology, oceanography, and ecology. Students will be responsible for keeping a science notebook. The students must keep all class work and homework assignments in their science notebook. Text: CPO Science, CPO Focus on Earth Science
Grading Policy Grading Policy for Math and Science Math Science Tests, Quizzes70% Homework, Classwork30% Homework, Classwork, Labs30% This policy is consistent across the 6 th grade Math and Science Department. Policies may be different in PE, Electives, Social Studies, and Language Arts.
How to Access Nightly Homework
Class Calendar
How to Access ABI
Address and Password
Gradebook Summary
Gradebook Details
Specific Classes
Current Grades and Assignments
How to Contact the School Counselor
Three Rules for Success Respect teachers and peers. This means to stay seated and be quiet when the teacher is teaching, and be a courteous listener to your peers. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Speak positively of yourself and others. Have your cell phone turned off and kept in your backpack. Come to school prepared and ready to work. This means bring daily materials needed to be successful. Bring completed work each day. Keep your binder, papers, and agenda organized. Listen and follow directions. Work quietly. Take care of the classroom and school. This means to clean up after yourself in the classroom and out at break and lunch. Clean table tops and floor of any trash before you leave an area. Keep gum at home.
Things You Should Know Tutoring: Mondays: Tutoring from 2:15 - 3:15 in Room 801. (Tutoring is done by substitute teachers and instructional assistants.) Tuesday and Thursdays: Students may come into my classroom before school and during lunch to get extra help, take makeup tests/quizzes, and get work done.