STEPSTONE VISIT NOVEMBER 6, 2015 Visit attended by: Ashley Watson Ellie Randall Priyanka Bhakta Samantha Roberts Renee Fritts
STEPSTONE Began in 1995 as New Hope MISSION STATEMENT: StepStone responds to the critical needs of the survivors of domestic violence by providing supportive services and transitional housing to nurture lives of stability and hope. Our staff and volunteers are motivated by the God- given dignity of each person. StepStone is a collaborative ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph and the Adorers of the Blood of Christ.
Women who are victims of domestic violence experience unique housing issues. Women and their children are often forced to move out of their homes away from their abuser to seek other housing where they are safe. In addition to poverty and the lack of affordable housing, women survivors may potentially have to deal with a number of other barriers including poor or no credit history, criminal history resulting from self-defense, coercion or mutual arrest, and stereotypes about survivors (Hyman, A. & Schultzman, M., 2008)
TRANSITIONAL HOUSING Women and children leaving shelter can live in one of their homes for up to two years while they gain the skills to become self-sufficient and free from abuse If services are needed after two years, StepStone will continue to offer services Rent is based on a 1/3 of their income StepStone offers 15 homes in Wichita Later this year will partner with Mennonite Housing to offer more housing
SUPPORT SERVICES Budget counselling Life skills training Guidance on healthy relationships Skills on being self-sufficient Career goals Parenting skills Free tax preparation
ACTIVITIES Self defense class Yoga class Pumpkin patch Cooking class Art class
SOME THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW: StepStone is a small agency that does A LOT of work The agency includes a program director, a child advocate, and 2 adult advocates The rest of the work is done by volunteers If StepStone cannot help then they will refer out and find an agency that can Items donated to help the members in the program include: A small food bank Furniture Toys Money to help with utilities
THE PEACE GARDEN Intended as a gathering place to encourage a sense of community; a safe place for StepStone families to find respite and for Hilltop neighbors to relax and socialize. A shaded patio and a sheltered picnic area provide a place for people to meet or hold special events.
THE COMMUNITY GARDEN The Community Garden is located right next to the StepStone office and housing Began in 1997 Consists of fifty garden plots and raised garden beds. For a small annual fee to help cover the cost of water and the use of garden tools, anyone in the community may reserve a plot for the summer growing season
Volunteers needed for: Cleaning Minor repairs Reception work Monthly food distribution Tending gardens To volunteer, go to and click on volunteer for information
How this service alleviates poverty: Provides housing stability Teaches how to be financially responsible Helps people access opportunities
RESOURCES Information session and tour with StepStone Adult Advocate Photos by: Ashley Watson