Lab Results Interface Pilots WG Kick-Off August 1, 2011
Agenda Purpose Review of Architecture Workgroup Administration Timeline Next Steps
Purpose –Provide Specifications and Project Management for the LRI Pilots –Test whether LRI pilots can successfully incorporate the proposed use in lab reports of several standards – LOINC, OIDs, SNOMED CT, and UCUM –To ensure that the LRI Implementation Guide (IG) is both deployment-ready and implementer-friendly prior to widespread adoption
LRI Sequence Diagram (LRI Use Case)
Workgroup Administration Workgroup Meeting Time Committed Member Registration –Workgroup Co-Chairs Bob Lutolf, Gensa Corporation Rob Allen, Gensa Corporation –Join S&I Framework Wikispaces Site –Register as committed member –Join LRI Pilots Work Group to support Pilot Planning Pilot Deployments Pilot Testing Consensus Process for Document Approval
Volunteer Opportunities Analyst LIS Piloter EHR Piloter Domain SME Pilots Tester –Test data and test cases –Evaluation of Pilot Test results Feedback to LRI IG WG and LRI Vocab WG
LRI Timeline Jul 2011 May 2011 Jun 2011 Immediate Next 90 Days Short Term 3 to 9 months Long Term 9 to 36 months Initiative LRI Pilots Workgroup Lab Results Interface Initiative (other WGs) Immediate Initiatives Short Term Initiatives Long Term Initiatives LRI Arch WG Artifacts Aug-Sep 2011 Oct-Nov Q 20111Q Q 2012 LRI Use Case finalized Stage 2 Meaningful Use - Final Plan Initial Pilot Implementations Validation Suite Code Development Stage 2 MU -Draft IHE Connectathon LRI Vocab WG Artifacts LRI Implementation Guide Drafted LRI Pilots Review working pilots with UCR/Harmonization (user acceptance) Develop Test Cases for Pilot Testing Pilot Deployments Pilot Testing HIMSS Interoperability Showcase
Planned Activities Types of Tasks –Analysis of Requirements for Successful Piloting –Design of Pilots – Best Practices Areas of Focus –Pilot Deployment Models –Testing Methodologies –Pilot Test Plans –Test Data Generation –Vocabulary - LOINC, SNOMED CT, UCUM, OIDs For each area of focus we’ll perform an analysis and design to identify specific tasks Some areas of focus will become sub-groups (e.g., test data)
Overview of Focus Areas Piloting Methodologies –LIS systems and EHRs supporting the LRI implementation guide –Approaches Deployment Models How do we test vocabulary? Test Plans of Pilot Testing –LIS systems and EHRs supporting the LRI implementation guide –End-to-end process –Range of test cases Test Data –Identify common-typical use cases from in-scope lab results –Support the range of message content (e.g., multiple results in a single message) –Data must be relevant and realistic (e.g., use correct code for result) –Community to decide level that is important, breadth, and depth
Topics for Next Meeting Communication channels and collaboration Review reports from New/Prospective Pilots Workgroup committed members –Review new enrollees of pilot participants –Discuss scope of Proposed Pilots Projects
Homework Sign up for Wiki and Work Group –Indicate where you can help out Review LRI Architecture WG Wiki Review LRI Implementation Guide WG Wiki Review LRI Vocabulary WG Wiki Review onsensus+Statement onsensus+Statement Post feedback on Discussion tab