November 2010WAAAUB North American Regional GatheringAnn Arbor, MI Maha Zabaneh, Board Member WAAAUB Committee for Nominations
November 2010WAAAUB North American Regional GatheringAnn Arbor, MI Role and Responsibilities Manage the annual WAAAUB Nomination and Election process Members are: – Mr. Abdul Hamid Bibi - Jordan (Chair) – Dr. Nasri Kawar, North America – Mr. Muheiddin Doughan, Lebanon – Dr. Yasser Mhanna, Lebanon – Ms. Maha Zabaneh, North America
November 2010WAAAUB North American Regional GatheringAnn Arbor, MI WAAAUB Elections 2010 Concluded the third WAAAUB election for 2010 The Nominations Committee distributed 25,439 electronic ballots The Committee received more than 293 nominations to fill 45 WAAAUB vacant positions The Committee recommended to the WAAAUB Board that elections move toward solely electronic ballots in This decision was based on an analysis of the low response rates/returned hard copy ballots in the 2009 elections. All nominations of candidates with completed applications were approved and put on the slate.
November 2010WAAAUB North American Regional GatheringAnn Arbor, MI WAAAUB Elections 2010 cont… Elections were successfully concluded and results announced in early July The two alumni elected as proposed Trustee members are Mrs. Najat Zarour of Dubai and young alumni representative Fawzi Melhem of Beirut. In addition 8 WAAAUB Board members, and 35 WAAAUB Council members were either elected or re-elected for a two year term effective October 1, Voter participation in this year’s election was 12.01% (3,056 votes out of a total of 25,439 e ballots distributed) compared to 10% in 2009.
November 2010WAAAUB North American Regional GatheringAnn Arbor, MI Under review Elections campaigning policy – Some alumni think it’s too restrictive – Prohibiting campaigning is in line with best practices at leading universities Transparency of the election process – Conducted by a third party – Specific results/# of votes only shared with the WAAAUB Board; this is based on best practices at leading universities
November 2010WAAAUB North American Regional GatheringAnn Arbor, MI Your comments on the WAAAUB election process are highly appreciated….