Women in Agriculture April 1-2, 2008 Oklahoma City, OK Cheryl Simmons, USDA-NRCS Central National Technology Support Center Member, North Central Administrative Council
NCR-SARE Mission: Strengthen rural communities, increase farmer/rancher profitability, and improve the environment by supporting research and education. Funds come from annual appropriations from Congress Federal fiscal year; funds usually appropriated part way through the year National SARE office & CSREES keep some funds; rest divided among four regions NCR gets $3 to $4 million per yr Four NCR grant programs plus smaller grant programs plus support budget SARE Program U of Minnesota – St Paul Bill Wilcke, Regional Coordinator &R&E Grant Program Manager
Farmer Rancher Grant (FRG) Program Joan Benjamin Program Coordinator, University of Nebraska 2007 Report Grants for up to $6,000 for individual farmers; up to $18,000 for groups of 3 or more farmers Can be research or demonstration projects Proposals due in December -Funds available early Spring Fund about 50 grants per yr -Require support letter from community contact
FRG Projects Per Category – 656 Total Through 2005
Professional Development Program (PDP) Paula Ford Professional Development Program Coordinator, Kansas State University 2007 Report Grants for up to $75,000 Specific priority areas listed in CFP Multi-state work encouraged Grants go primarily to organizations Preproposals due in March 2006 Fund 2 to 8 grants per yr
Research & Education (R&E) Program Excerpts 2007 Report Grants for up to $150,000 for up to 3 yrs Can be research or education projects Grants go primarily to organizations Preproposals due in June Invited full proposals due in October Fund 12 to 15 grants per yr
Graduate Student Grant Program Bill Wilcke, Regional Coordinator & Grad Student Program Manager 2007 Report Grants for up to $10,000 Currently enrolled graduate students must write proposal and lead work on project Proposals due in January Fund 12 to 16 grants per yr
What is SAN? Now, SARE Outreach Sustainable Ag Network Titles from the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN)
Farm Beginnings A program of Land Stewardship Project Information provided by Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant
What Is Farm Beginnings? A community-based initiative of the Land Stewardship Project that takes a farmer-to- farmer approach toward preparing a new generation of farmers. Provides education, support and equity-building opportunities for beginning and transitioning farmers. Mark and Wendy Lange W. MN ‘02-’03
Cultivating New Farmers
Farm Beginnings….. Provides essential information and firsthand knowledge Helps participants develop a solid business plan Connection to a support network and other like minded farmers Opens doors to financing Audrey Arner and Dan French teaching whole farm planning.
It is all brought to life in the final chapter of the course…. On-Farm Education One-on-One Mentoring and Farm Tours and Skill Sessions
Illinois Farm Beginnings Two locations – Two Approaches Central Illinois Farm Beginnings Stateline Farm Beginnings Farm Beginnings® Organic Farming 101 Foundation for Agricultural and Rural Resources Management and Sustainability (FAR R MS) Contact Britt Jacobson at or