INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: How to Teach for Rigor and Relevance _________________________________
“Teaching is only as good as the learning that takes place.”
Learning Results from: Effective Teaching Right Content Best Strategy Appropriate Timing
Rigor/Relevance Framework
Assimilation of knowledge Acquisition Thinking Continuum
1.Awareness 2.Comprehension 3.Application 4.Analysis 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation Knowledge Taxonomy
EXAMPLE A: Managing Resources 1 Identify money resources 2 Explain values 3 Buy item within budget 4 Match expenses to budget 5 Set goals based on budget 6Evaluate spending habits of spouse/significant other
Acquisition of knowledge Application Action Continuum
Application Model 1. Knowledge in one discipline 2. Application within discipline 3. Application across disciplines 4. Application to real-world predictable situations 5. Application to real-world unpredictable situations
EXAMPLE B: Map Skills 1 Label symbols on a map 2 Use map in class to locate state capitals 3 Calculate mileage between cities 4 Plan a trip via the shortest route 5 Find a way home if you are lost
12345 Application Knowledge Rigor/Relevance Framework
KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE A P P L I C A T I O N A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework
KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE A P P L I C A T I O N A B D C AcquisitionApplication AdaptationAssimilation Rigor/Relevance Framework
Skill Identify, collect or sort pertinent information while reading.
Quadrant A Read a science experiment and identify the necessary materials to perform the experiment
Quadrant B Read and follow directions for experiment on DNA extraction
Quadrant C Read and analyze a biotech editorial for scientific accuracy
Quadrant D Using your research, debate a proposal related to genetic engineering with community leaders as judges
Application Model 1.Awareness 2.Comprehension 3. Application 4.Analysis 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation 1. Knowledge of one discipline 2. Application within discipline 3. Application across disciplines 4. Application to real-world predictable situations 5. Application to real-world unpredictable situations Bloom’sApplication
Strategies --pgs Brainstorming Brainstorming Cooperative Learning Cooperative Learning Demonstration Demonstration Guided Practice Guided Practice Inquiry Inquiry Instructional Technology Instructional Technology Lecture Lecture Note-taking/Graphic Organizers Note-taking/Graphic Organizers Memorization Memorization Presentations/Exhibitions Presentations/Exhibitions Research Research Problem-based learning Problem-based learning Project Design Project Design Simulation/Role-playing Simulation/Role-playing Socratic Seminar Socratic Seminar Teacher Questions Teacher Questions Work-based Learning Work-based Learning
Matching Strategies to R & R Framework p. 17
Research When to Use Strategy Based on Rigor/Relevance Framework
Selection of Strategies Based on Rigor/ Relevance Framework pgs
Cooperative Learning
Guided Practice Homework Computer-based Drill and Practice Worksheets
Inquiry Elements
Instructional Technology
Note-taking/ Graphic Organizers
Presentations/ Exhibitions
Problem-based Learning
Project Design
Socratic Seminar
Teacher Questions
Work-based Learning
Learning Style Activity
Which do you prefer? Activity Using Outlines Observing Others in role playing Picture/Graphics Working w/ Hands Discussion Using Narratives Participating in role playing Description/Words Working w/ Head CA OR
Which do you prefer? Following Directions Following Others Precision Logical Lists Working Independently Creating your own path Approximation Creative Graphic Organizers SR OR
Learning Styles CS Concrete Sequential AS Abstract Sequential CR Concrete Random AR Abstract Random
Matching Strategies to Learning Styles p. 19
Types of Assessment Multiple Choice Constructed Response Extended Response Process Performance Product Performance Portfolio Interview Self Reflection Rigorous and Relevant Instruction
Matching Strategies to Forms of Student Assessment p. 21 Multiple Choice Constructed Response Extended Response Process Performance Product Performance Portfolio Interview Self Reflection
What assessment strategies do you see in this video clip?
1. Description of lesson you taught – what and how 2. What R/R quadrant(s) are currently addressed? 3. What R/R quadrant(s) would you teach it now? 4. What strategies would you use and why? Lesson Reflection
Adapted from a presentation for the International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc. by: Helen M. Branigan Senior Consultant ctionalStrategies%20-%20Branigan.ppt