OBJECTIVES FOR TONIGHT 1. Applying on TeachIowa.Gov 2. Getting an interview 3. Preparing for the interview 4. Winning the interview
APPLYING ON APPLITRACK All jobs posted there! Only have to upload materials once Materials should be updated for each job References? Licensure? Disclosing Criminal Charges?
GETTING AN INTERVIEW Call for more information before applying Application materials Have someone call on your behalf Follow-up on application materials Consider your digital footprint
PREPARING FOR THE INTERVIEW Dress Interview Questions First Impressions Body language Artifacts and handouts Questions for the interview team Do your homework DE Website Site visit reports District website Silver bullet answers to questions you can anticipate Stick to your routines
WINNING THE INTERVIEW First Impressions Body language Artifacts and handouts Make sure they know you are well-prepared Make connections Beauty pageant answers are good Know when you are on and off the record No regrets Follow-up thank you
Topics & Assignments: Using portfolio artifacts Creating a cover letter Updating resume Seeking references Planning for interviews Planning for a job fair Advice from school administrators Mock interviews Mock lesson delivery Out of state licensure Obtaining recommendation letters This NEW course is designed to give education students a competitive edge in the job market. Students will complete the class with polished application materials and increased confidence ready to sell them for their desired job. The Principal Insight: Pathway to Employment Students will be able to use artifacts from their educational portfolio to convey their unique skills, experiences and abilities. Students will gain an understanding of the current job market locally and nationally. Students will be prepared to effectively interview for desired positions. Students will gain confidence in the application and interview process. Students will be prepared to effectively present a lesson during the interview process. J-Term 2016 EDUC This school leader wants to hire you…