Welcome to Unit 8 Career Connections Kay Oistad
Agenda Greeting! Discussion Board Assignment Readings Case Study
Hello Everybody! What is the phrase of the week – found in the unit announcement and seminar announcement Please share something good that happened this week!
What are the Objectives for Unit Eight? Objective 1 Understand how your interests, skills and values relate to careers Objective 2 Investigate careers that might be a match with you! Objective 3 Learn about the Kaplan career resources
Homework Assignment Interview with a business professional conducted in Week 7 Record the interview in the template from Unit 7 Choose wisely; have fun!
Discussion Board Last week’s participation was great! I was pleased to see more students participating well before Saturday What are the best kind of goals? Make sure you discuss specific items when requested and read my initial post for tips!
There can be many reasons why we may fail to achieve a goal: 1. Lack of commitment 2. We have lost interest and motivation in the goal 3. Feel overwhelmed, frustrated or disappointed 4. Lack of standards against which to monitor our progress 5. Are not able to acquire the required skills and knowledge necessary for achievement of the goal. 6. Lack of discipline, persistence, and determination 7. We are not able to maintain our focus on the goal 8. Lack of energy and enthusiasm while pursuing goals.
Careers, Skills, and Interests After learning about Networking, how do you think this will help you with your career goals? What information did you find to be most valuable from your trip through the O*Net? What do you consider to be the most important resource or piece of information that you obtained during these last couple units that will propel you to success in your career, and why? Where are you now and where do you see yourself 5 years from now in your career? Now that you have had a chance to consider how Networking, resume building, and career search databases work, as well as having had an opportunity to interview a professional in your field of interest, let's discuss what this means for your future.
Networking Be sure to check out : Networking Basics And Networking Tips
How did you find your last job? Networking is by far the way that most people find work Who you meet and keep in touch with today may be your boss or co-worker tomorrow! Take care of those relationships !
Networking takes effort Choose wisely! Be honest and forthright ! Be proactive about building a network! Be visible! Be –Dependable! –Likeable! –Helpful! –Ready and Willing!
What questions do you have before we move on to tonight’s topic??
Career Connections Which career is right for you? O*net and Kaplan University Career Resources Center are two of many tools that you will explore to help find the "right" career. What are these about? How do they work? Have you visited? What are you waiting for??
Reading – O*NET T here is great information online that helps you choose a major. Perhaps you would like more information on your area of expertise? Maybe you have not decided what you want to do! Wherever you are in your journey, here is a great website to help you start your exploration:
Kaplan University Career Resources Kaplan University has it's own Career Resources web site This is a place to locate industry information and find job search assistance, tips on how to write successful cover letters, interviewing tips and more To access the Career Services site: Go to your KU Campus homepage University Information Career Resources
Career Connections Receive help to find the right career for you. Discuss your interests and skills with Career advisors. Receive support during your career search.
Career Connections
Optimal Resume
Career Connections Scan your environment. It is important to be aware of the world that surrounds you Some areas to explore might include: –Watching a 24-7 cable news channel when you have a few minutes –Reading the morning headlines –Listening to a news channel while commuting to work –Reading the headlines on an internet news site –Reading a professional journal –Listening to television or radio shows that discuss global issues, such as financial news or international events
Careers and Jobs What is the difference between these two? Give an example of each
My Definition A career is a journey that we take; jobs are the steps on the journey We will have many jobs and several careers The primary difference between a job and career is a job is a series of tasks that are performed within the activity we call work
Let’s Talk About Self Image Each of us has a self image. Our self image is how WE see ourselves Here’s the quote from Katie Couric in the introduction to Unit 8: “Although it may be terrifying to get out of your comfort zone, it’s also exciting to start a new chapter in your life.” Part of our goal setting process is to set goals that prompt us to change the picture we have of our self
Positive Affirmations How many of you remember the story of “The Little Engine That Could”? Did you see the quote from Walt Disney in last week’s discussion board? Positive thinking has been well proven. Positive affirmations starting with “I will” or “I am” are great ways to stay focused on a goal
Preview of Unit 10 Writing Assignment This assignment is due no later than TUESDAY, midnight EST of Unit 10
APA Rules Create a Title page to include Name, course name, title of assignment, date Center vertically and horizontally Use Times New Roman font Use 12 pt font size Double-space your paper Indent the first word of each paragraph Check your spelling and grammar
Quote for the Week “Everyone enjoys doing the kind of work for which he is best suited.” Napoleon Hill
What questions do you have? Thanks for another great seminar. You’re awesome! See you in the discussion board!!
Case Study 1.How is Minh's current job beneficial to her ultimate career goals? 2.How would setting more specific career goals help Minh’s decision? 3.What general information would you give Minh to encourage her to complete the quarter and continue in school? Let’s Discuss!