INTRODUCTION What is a Project ? A Project is any activity that results in a deliverable or a product. 4 essential elements exist when a project is completed : 1.Does the finished product actually solve the user’s problem ? 2.Was the user satisfied with the development process ? 3.Was the Project team’s upper management satisfied with the product as well as the process ? 4.Is the project team satisfied ?
3 Why Projects fail ? 1.Failure at the start. 2.Failure in the development stages. 3.Failure at the end. Why Projects succeed ?
4 7 Phases of Project Management 1. Definition 2. Analysis 3. Design 4. Programming 5. System Test 6. Acceptance 7. Operation
5 1.The Definition Phase Goal To gain sufficient understanding of The user’s problem in order to estimate cost and time 3 major activities that you must do in this phase : 1.The Requirements document ( RD ). 2.The Go / No-Go Decision. 3.Proposal ( Analysis Proposal ) What will be delivered, when and at what cost.
6 2.The Analysis Phase The Functional Specifications ( FS ). What the system will do for the user, and also a contract between the user and the Project Team ( PT ). Writing the Development Proposal.
7 3.The Design Phase The System Design. Design Specification & testing the design The Acceptance Test Plan ( ATP ). A document listing the tests that will used to demonstrate all the system functions to the user in the acceptance phase.
8 4.The Programming Phase The module design Programmer receives some level of design from the Design Phase. His job is to break it down to lower and lower levels of detail until he reaches a stage that he can program. Coding
9 5.The System Test Plan Integration Testing To ensure that the pieces work together, and that the system functions as it should.
10 6.The Acceptance Test Phase In the acceptance test you will merely run through the tests defined by the ATP at a formal, ordered session to demonstrate the promised system functions. The major milestones is the user’s signature of acceptance.
11 7.The Operation Phase The Warranty ( the major activity ) Post Project Review ( the minor activity ) Selling the next Project Maintenance