Spectroscopic study of the key rp- process waiting point 58 Zn A.Arcones, P.Boutachkov, I.Dillmann, C. Domingo-Pardo, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, G. Martinez-Pinedo, E. Merchan, S. Pietri, C. Scheidenberger, H.J. Wollersheim GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany D. Galaviz-Redondo CFNUL, Portugal, Lisboa S. Bishop, T. Faestermann, R. Kruecken, A. Parikh Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany J.Jose Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Letter of Intent for
Scientific Motivation Spectroscopic study of the key rp- process waiting point 58 Zn
Scientific Motivation Improve by 2-3 orders of magnitude the uncertainty on the stellar (p, ) rate of the two wp-nuclei 58Zn A.Parikh et al., The Astroph. Journal 178 (2008)
Scientific Motivation Improve by 2-3 orders of magnitude the uncertainty on the stellar (p, ) rate of the two wp-nuclei 58Zn
Scientific Motivation Improve by 2-3 orders of magnitude the uncertainty on the stellar (p, ) rate of the two wp-nuclei 58Zn A.M. Amthor et al. (2006) PoS Increased 46 Cr(p ) rate Key nuclei have been identified in the sensitivity study by A.Parikh et al., The Astroph. Journal 178 (2008)
Scientific Motivation R.R.C. Clement et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 32 Cl p
Scientific Motivation R.R.C. Clement et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) SM-Calculation, J.L.Fisker et al., ADNDT 2001
Scientific Motivation 2942 keV 3219 keV Total rate 3166 keV 3624 keV 2677 keV 3820 keV SM-Calculation, J.L.Fisker et al., ADNDT 2001 Rate calculation by A.Parikh (TU-Munich)
Scientific Motivation 2942 keV 3219 keV Total rate 3166 keV 3624 keV 2677 keV 3820 keV uncertainty SM-Calculation, J.L.Fisker et al., ADNDT 2001 Rate calculation by A.Parikh (TU-Munich)
Scientific Motivation SM-Calculation, J.L.Fisker et al., ADNDT 2001 Rate calculation by A.Parikh (TU-Munich) 2942 keV 3219 keV Total rate 3166 keV 3624 keV 2677 keV 3820 keV uncertainty
Experiment In-Flight g-ray Spectroscopy of 58Zn SIS-18 Primary beam: 1 GeV/u AGATA S2’ FRS Sec. beams: 100 MeV/u 79 Zn Primary Beam/ppsSec. (pps) 80 Kr 6x Zn for ( 58 Zn+n)110 5 days of beam time to see the resonance at 3.2 MeV! AGATA S2' in the high-efficiency configuration (d = 8.5 cm)
Outlook By measuring the second 1+ state in 58Zn with a resolution of about 10 keV, one can improve by about 2 orders of magnitude the uncertainty on the stellar rate of 57 Cu(p, ) 58 Zn. The later reaction is one of the key rp-process waiting points, whose uncertainty affects most the study of x-ray bursts and light-curves, as it has been identified in the sensitivity study of Parik et al., Such measurement relies on sufficiently high beam intensities (GSI-FRS) and on the very high efficiency of the AGATA setup. Similar experiment has been attempted unsuccessfully at GAMASPHERE. There are other candidates, from the sensitivity-sutdy list from A.Parikh, which may be proposed as well.
Experiment In-Flight g-ray Spectroscopy of 47Mn and 58Zn AGATA S2’FRS Sec. beam: 100 MeV/u 79 Zn (Shell Model) keV
Experiment In-Flight g-ray Spectroscopy of 47Mn and 58Zn AGATA S2’FRS Sec. beam: 100 MeV/u 79 Zn (Shell Model) keV keV
Experiment In-Flight g-ray Spectroscopy of 47Mn and 58Zn AGATA S2’FRS Sec. beam: 100 MeV/u 79 Zn (Shell Model) keV keV keV
Experiment In-Flight g-ray Spectroscopy of 47Mn and 58Zn AGATA S2’FRS Sec. beam: 100 MeV/u 79 Zn (Shell Model) keV keV