General Meeting September 30th
Treasurer’s Report
Fall 2015 Budget Budgeted Expenses Santa Fe Ranch Tour / New Member BBQ $200…….. $ Sam Strong 5K (4 Participants)$100………$ Display Supplies$150 NCBA$2,000 (FCW) Rooms for Ranch Rodeo/ Southern Women’s Show$ ^Refund one room TOTAL$2, Current Account Balance $5,521.39
College Aggies Online Report
Dive-In Cottage Grove October 5 7:00 pm
Old Business Sam Strong Run
Old Business Southern Women’s Show
Old Business Ranch Rodeo Finals
Old Business TailGator
New Business Ranch Tours Baldwin Angus Ranch October 17 4:00 pm Carpool for this tour Lightsey-Brahma Island November 6 10:00 am
New Business NCBA Application-Due October 5 th, 5:00 pm. January th, girls will be chosen Plane ticket, hotel, and registration will be covered…Thankyou FCW!!! If chosen, will have to put down a $ deposit to ensure you will go
New Business *If you would like to help with these events we will have a meeting on: Canned Food Drive November 13 th What’s Your Beef? November 18 th Plaza of the Americas 9:00 am-3:00 pm.
Guest Speaker Next Meeting! Ms. Rebecca Weeks Lakeland Animal Nutrition Ultrasound Tech UF graduate and GCCW alumni