Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 and Spry Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 allows the user to include additional functionality provided by the Spry JavaScript library. Spry enables the web-page designer to include client-side validation as well as AJAX behavior (which yields more responsive pages by allowing a server update for part of a page instead of whole pages).
Insert/Form/Spry Validation Text Field
Fill in the dialog-box information
Select the Required Checkbox and set Min Chars value to 1 (or more)
The Type drop-down list allows one to select the validation pattern
For the third text field, choose the Phone type
Let us say that this field is not required
Trying to submit a form with no First Name
Having no phone number is OK
But having a phone number with the wrong format is bad
Including a hint
Phone hint displaying when form initiates
Spry code in head
’s added around tag
More spry code after
SpryAssets folder: local and remote
Reminder ! You can never be satisfied with just client- side validation – no matter how fancy. Security requires checking on the server side because the client is out of your control