Technology Update Mid-Year Presidents Meeting Jan. 12, 2013
Topics Updating Club Officers for –For District 5450 –For Rotary International Remote Meetings Grant Management Module
Club Officer Update for District Login to District Website Go to “Club and Membership Detail” Click on “Executives”
Updates for RI If you are a ClubRunner club this update not needed Click on Member Access on Navigate to “Club Data Form”
Easy-to-use Meeting and Communication Tools for you! Conference calls: Go to Enter your to sign up. They give you a phone number and your own code to use for phone conferences any time you wish. Presentations – share your screen with any number of others: Go to (or just Click the orange Share button. It gives you a 9-digit code to share with others. They go to, type the 9-digit code, and click the green Join button. They’re now viewing your screen. Click the phone icon to have voice connection through internet Free, quick and easy way to give a presentation or share documents.
Grant Management Module New module for Club Runner Dist 5450 is an “Early Access District” Available to all clubs in District Projects for Grant Requests will be submitted through this module Project details will be shared, reviewed, and archived on this module