Jeehye Kang
* Abandoned in an orphanage (age of 3),orphanage * Choi ran away from the institution (5 years old) * Inspired after listening to a classical vocalist at the nightclub where he sold chewing gum. * Korean Got Talent – Second prize
* Native American * His father was an Alcoholic. * Alexie was the only student of Native heritage among mostly white students.student Succeeded as a Native American writer
* “As Indian children, we were expected to fail in the non-Indian world.” * “A little Indian boy teaches himself to read at an early age and advances quickly.” * Read and read and read……..
* Alexie and Choi both had passionate and patience to be like “someone”. * Broke their limitation in the society. * “He grews into a man… somehow dull the pain and make him sound more modest about his talents.”
Futhermore… * “I was trying to save my life.” * “They are trying to save their lives.” * “I am trying to save their lives.”
* Alexie, Sherman “Superman and Me” * b8Y b8Y * "Korea's 'Susan Boyle' Choi Sung-Bong's Overcomes Troubled Past". ABC Retrieved "Korea's 'Susan Boyle' Choi Sung-Bong's Overcomes Troubled Past" * Sherman Alexie". Encyclopedia of World Biography Retrieved 8 April Sherman Alexie"