Nathaniel Hawthorne Lived from 1804 to Lived primarily in New England Region Wrote Novels and Short Stories. Born in Salem, MA
Early Years Ancestors had taken part in witch trials. Family had lost its wealth and renown by the time of Hawthorne’s birth Farther died and left mother with 3 infants to raise – one of which was Hawthorne (4). Grew up feeling deprived. Added “W” to his name years later
Teenage Years Attended Salem schools and college at Bowdoin in Maine Enjoyed his college experience/he spent more time with friends than “in the books” After college, he locked himself on the 3 rd floor of his family’s home and began writing. He continued this for 12 years.
Life and Works 1839 – became engaged to Sophia Went to Brook Farm and attempted Transcendentalism life, but it did not suit him. Married in 1842 and moved into Emerson’s old house. Became employed as surveyor at the Salem Custom House, but he lost the job 3 years later. Published TSL in 1850.
Later years He continued writing after TSL Moved to Europe and worked for the US govt. for 7 years. Moved back to US in Died in 1864 while on a trip with President Franklin Pierce
New England South Carolina = 31,055 sq mi New England = 70,054 sq mi Georgia, Florida, North Dakota, Washington and Oklahoma
The Novel Puritan Boston, mid 1600s Story of a woman’s life after found guilty of committing adultery Punished to wear the letter “A” on her chest for the rest of her life. Who’s the daddy?
Committed Adultery Forced to wear letter “A” Hester Prynne Hester’s illegitimate baby Pearl A popular and admired minister Arthur Dimmesdale A scholarly physician Aids Rev. Dimmesdale Roger Chillingworth
Focus Points The Effects of Sin Wisdom Through Suffering Personal and Public Truth Psychological effects The idea of Self Character growth
Symbols Scarlet Letter ScaffoldNaturePearl