User Group Meeting 09/07/ Grants Online Procurement Request and Commitment of Funds (PRCF) Sub Process
User Group Meeting 09/07/ Routes out of Workflow Grants Online Document Grants Online User Process Step Notification Grants Online Documents Timed Action Continue Process Map Key
User Group Meeting 09/07/ Pre Award: Recommend Applications for Funding Overview Non Competitive – Initiated by PO -- “Negotiations Complete” Competitive – Initiated by FALD – “Initiate PO Preparation ” Note: Letters A, B, C represent Workflow Processes Numbers 1,2,3,4 represent TASKS within a Process Assigned FPO NEPA Proc. Req. (PRCF) PO Checklist 12 NEPA Official RequestorAuthorizing Official (Budget Officer) If needed, after the PO Checklist is certified, you can “Renegotiate” to make changes to the application. A B C Taking action A1b creates an “Award File” Proc. Req. and Com. of Funds 1a.Complete… 1b.Forward… Assigned FPO Review NEPA 2a. Review… 2b. Approve… 2c. Return… CAMS First Approver Start Initial Work on Award in CAMS 4a. …Complete 4b. Return to AO NEPA Doc. 1a. Complete… 1b. Forward… Complete PO Checklist 1a. Complete… 1b. Certify… Review PRCF 2a. Review… 2b. Approve… 2c. Return to FPO Certify/Revise Award File 2a. Revise NEPA Document 2b. Revise PO Checklist 2c. Revise Procurement Request and Commitment of Funds 2d. Forward Award File to Grants Specialist 2e. Renegotiate Review PRCF 3a. Review… 3b. Approve… 3c. Return to FPO 34 This action is only available after action C4a has been done. Grants Specialist Review Award File PO Checklist NEPA Proc. Req. (PRCF) Complete PO Checklist 1a. Complete… 1b. Certify… Taking action A2d sends “Award File” to GMD. Award File is complete only after actions B2b and C4a are also done.
User Group Meeting 09/07/ Processes A, B, C A – Task 59306:Complete (Fill Out / Enter Data into) PO Checklist B – Task 59308:NEPA Document C – Task 59311:Procurement Request and Commitment of Funds At this point no Award File has been created yet. This is done by completing the “Certify” action in Process step A1.
User Group Meeting 09/07/ Grants Specialist Complete GMD Checklist GMD Checklist CD-450 Forward to Grants Officer Grants Officer Approve Award File CAMS First Approval CAMS Second Approval OLIA Official Clear Grant or Hold Grant Grant File Launch Page OIG OfficialApprove or Return Grant Grant File Launch Page Done FALD Official No Legal Objection or FALD Comment Grant File Launch Page Complete CD 450 Done 3 Final state PO Checklist, NEPA document, Procurement Request Recipient Authorized Representative Alternative flow selected by Grants Specialist: Public AffairsAttach Press Release *Alternate flow if Fed Funding exceeds 500,000 Pre Award:GMD Review and Approval Overview Alternative flow selected by Grants Specialist: Grants File Launch Page
User Group Meeting 09/07/ Pre Award:Review/Approve Grant File – Grants Officer Approve Award File CAMS 2nd Approver (Review) Recipient Authorized Official 3 Review Award File NEPA Document PO Checklist Procurement Request Commitment of Funds Grants Specialist Review Return Withdraw 1 Grants Officer Receives task in Inbox to Approve Award File CAMS 1 st Approver (Review) 8 6
User Group Meeting 09/07/ Grants Officer Approve Grant File Accept Award Recipient Authorized Official Manage Award Users Screen, press Done Button Accept Award/Confirm Recipient System Administrator 6 8 Manage Award Users Done 9 Manage Award Complete Recipient System Administrator 7 Award:Recipient Acceptance Overview
User Group Meeting 09/07/ Directions for accessing WebEx Step 1: Enter the following URL address in your web browser: Step 2: Select the first tab titled "Today" Step 3: Select the "Join Now" link for the session titled "Revising Procurement Requests" Step 4: Enter your name, address, and the password, which is: grantsonline