Healthy Weight Management Healthy Weight data is shared in a Public Health setting to help analyze weight issues such as BMI.
Benefit: Patient Portals Baby John is a 35 week neonate delivered after a car accident induced labor. Patients simplify their lives by utilizing portals to track and manage their health conditions. Organizations equip their patients with action-oriented tools that aid in behavioral change and healthier lives. Clinicians can interact with patients and access patient reported health information.
Baby John is a 35 week neonate delivered after a car accident induced labor. Addressing obesity in the physician’s office, at work, and in the community can yield dramatic improvements in health outcomes and cost savings. Body mass index data combined with demographic, behavioral and work information can serve as an effective population health indicator. Benefit: Public Health Awareness
Standards Make It All Possible Baby John is a 35 week neonate delivered after a car accident induced labor. Healthy Weight (HW) highlights how EHRs can empower both patients and communities to make healthier choices. IHE promotes the coordinated use of established standards in support of optimal patient care. ITI – XDS, MPQ QRPH- HW