Medical Appointments Part 1: Doctors, Dentists, and Their Patients
This man is a doctor.
This woman is a doctor.
This woman is a dentist.
The boy is her patient.
This man is a dentist.
The woman is his patient.
This woman is a doctor.
This woman is a dentist.
This woman is her patient.
This man is a doctor.
This man and woman are doctors.
This man is a dentist.
This man and this woman are dentists.
These are their patients.
What does this man do?
He’s a doctor.
What does this man do?
He’s a dentist.
Who is this?
His patient.
What does this woman do?
She’s a doctor.
What do these two people do?
They are doctors.
What does this woman do?
She’s a dentist.
Who is this?
Her patient.
This is a tooth.
This is a cavity.
This is a filling.
This tooth has a cavity.
This tooth has a filling.
This woman’s tooth hurts.
She is his patient.
What’s this?
A filling.
This woman’s tooth hurts.
What is her problem?
She has a cavity.
The dentist is giving the woman a filling.
This boy’s tooth does not hurt.
The boy is getting a check-up.
Does this boy have a problem?
No. He’s just getting a check-up.
What’s this?
A filling.
Does this boy need a filling?
No. He’s just getting a check-up.
This woman has a problem.
Her tooth hurts.
She is getting a filling.
This boy’s tooth does not hurt.
He is not getting a filling.
He just needs a check-up.
What’s wrong with this woman?
Her tooth hurts.
She needs a filling.
The dentist is giving her a filling.
This girl is not sick.
She doesn’t have a problem.
The doctor is just giving her a check-up.
This woman is not sick.
She doesn’t have a problem.
She is just getting a check-up.
This woman is not sick.
Does this patient have a problem?
No, the doctor is just giving her a check-up.
What’s wrong with this woman?
She’s fine. She’s just getting a check-up.
Is this woman sick?
No, she’s just getting a check-up.
This doctor is giving you a check-up.
How do you feel?