Nov H. S. Lee, C.H. Lee, J.Y. Kim, and K.S. Kwak doc.: IEEE ban Submission Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Relationship between Power Loss and Frequency Band for Medical Implanted Communications] Date Submitted: [12 Nov., 2007] Source: [(1) Hyungsoo Lee, Cheolhyo Lee, Jaeyoung Kim, (2) Kyungsup Kwak, and (3) Sangwook Nam] Company: [(1) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), (2) Inha University, (3) Seoul National University] Address: [(1) 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, , Korea, (2) 401 Inha Venture Chanupkwan #253 Yonghyendong Namgu Inchon, Korea, (3) Kwanak P.O.Box 34, Seoul, , Korea ] Voice: [(1) , (2) , (3) ], FAX: [(1) , (2) , (3) ] [(1), (2) (3) Abstract:[This document presents optimal frequency band analysis related with antenna loss and body loss for the medical implanted communications] Purpose:[Contribution to IEEE Sgban] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
Nov H. S. Lee, C.H. Lee, J.Y. Kim, and K.S. Kwak doc.: IEEE ban Submission Slide 2 Relationship between Power Loss and Frequency Band for Medical Implanted Communications Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Inha University Seoul National University Republic of Korea Hyungsoo Lee, Cheolhyo Lee, Jaeyoung Kim Kyungsup Kwak Sangwook Nam
Nov H. S. Lee, C.H. Lee, J.Y. Kim, and K.S. Kwak doc.: IEEE ban Submission Slide 3 3 Received Power for Implanted Body Communications Friis formular - Radiation (& Coupling) loss - TX Antenna loss - Attenuation (body) loss - RX Antenna loss
Nov H. S. Lee, C.H. Lee, J.Y. Kim, and K.S. Kwak doc.: IEEE ban Submission Slide 4 4 Attenuation(body) loss (e -2 R ) R=15cm from the skin, r, FCC Data(average) : r =57.6, =0.83 FCC Data :
Nov H. S. Lee, C.H. Lee, J.Y. Kim, and K.S. Kwak doc.: IEEE ban Submission Slide 5 5 Radiation loss R=15cm from the skin, r, (FCC body average)
Nov H. S. Lee, C.H. Lee, J.Y. Kim, and K.S. Kwak doc.: IEEE ban Submission Slide 6 6 Antenna loss (G T ) G T = Directivity(D) Efficiency D=1, a=5mm, BW=3MHz, k(= r, (FCC body average) Ref.: [chipcon] app. note AN003 SRD Antennas Small loop antenna
Nov H. S. Lee, C.H. Lee, J.Y. Kim, and K.S. Kwak doc.: IEEE ban Submission Slide 7 7 Transmission Total loss
Nov H. S. Lee, C.H. Lee, J.Y. Kim, and K.S. Kwak doc.: IEEE ban Submission Slide 8 MICS Frequency Band Analysis results – Increase rapidly the loss above 1GHz – MHz band : Internationally assigned for Broadcast – MHz : Relatively small loss Appropriate frequency band considering Ant. size – 400MHz band