Enhancing Small, Rural and Residential Utility Access to Efficiency Measures Small and Rural Utilities and the Regional Technical Forum
Sixth Power Plan 2 CONS-17. Take into account the unique circumstances and special barriers faced by small and/or rural utilities in achieving conservation and the development and implementation of conservation programs.
RTF’s Small and Rural Utility Technical Support Needs Study 3 Final Report – Small and Rural Utility Technical Support Needs Study RTF-specific Recommendations BPA-specific Recommendations NEEA-specific Recommendations RTF Small/Rural Subcommittee RTF Response to Recommendations Work Plan and Budget Prioritize Recommendations
S/R Subcommittee 4 Subcommittee meets ~ monthly – Meetings on 3/8, 4/13, 5/11, 6/7 Co-led by Eugene Rosolie (Cowlitz PUD) and Gillian Charles (NWPCC) Participation from BPA, BPA EERS, NEEA, NRU, PNGC, NWPCC, IDEA, Ravalli Electric, Glacier Electric – Seeking more subcommittee participation
S/R Subcommittee Work Plan 5 2012 Focus on: – New commercial UES measures specific to schools – Checklist to ensure small/rural consideration when assessing and approving UES measures – RTF Small Saver review process – Updates on GSHP open loop, ag/irrigation hardware measures, etc. 2012 Budget $20-$25K
Commercial Schools Measures 6 Develop potential list of schools measures implementable by small and rural utilities – Lighting – Ventilation – Weatherization Develop proposed UES measures Subcommittee involvement throughout. Kickoff meeting with PECI the week of July 23
S/R UES Design Checklist 7 Objective: Determine applicability to S/R utilities and service territories of RTF approved unit energy savings (UES) measures.
S/R UES Design Checklist Process 8 1.RTF approves UES measure 2.Staff completes S/R UES design checklistchecklist 3.S/R reviews 4.Post to S/R webpage and UES measure pagePost 5.No follow up action, process ends otherwise, subcommittee follows through w/ recommended action Could include directing staff, hiring a contractor, seeking RTF funds, etc.
S/R Subcommittee 9 More information can be found on the subcommittee website - mmittees/smallutilities/ mmittees/smallutilities/ – Including meeting notes, materials Contact Info: Eugene Rosolie Cowlitz PUD Gillian Charles Northwest Power and Conservation Council /