the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE DMR ORGANOGRAM A.BACKGROUND of DMR B.STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS - Balanced Scorecard Approach - Department Strategic Objectives - Contribution to Government Priorities C.LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM (MTEF) D.BRANCH KEY FOCUS AREAS E.OVERVIEW OF SOE’S QUESTIONS
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 3 DMR ORGANOGRAM Director General Adv. S Nogxina Mineral Pol. & Prom. M Mabuza Mineral Reg. J Rocha Mine Health & Safe. T Gazi Corporate Services T Zungu CFO E Ragimana Chief Audit Executive B Nemagovhani
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 4 BACKGROUND PURPOSE – Sustainable regulation, promotion and transformation of the Minerals Sector for the Benefit of all South Africans Policy & Promotion Develop policy and legislation and promote the mining and mineral industry Regulate Implement Policy (Mineral & Petroleum Resources Development Act Mine Health Safety Act) Transformation Mining Charter (skills dev, ownership, Rural / economic dev, housing & living conditions, migrant labour, procurement & beneficiation
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 5 BACKGROUND Ministerial Priorities Contribution of the Department including its SOEs to Rural Development. Review of the Mining Charter and transformation of the mining industry Consolidation of policy making activities within the Department Handling of environmental management issues Rehabilitation of ownerless and derelict mines Alignment of departmental structure to our strategy Strengthening capacity of the department to deliver on its mandate, including its market intelligence and research capacity Execution of service delivery improvement plans
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 6 Role of SOEs in support of the developmental agenda Mine Health and Safety – focus on health of mineworkers Role of dedicated research institutions in support of policy, as well as prevention of fatalities and other forms of mine accidents Capacity of the Inspectorate to respond to growing challenging facing the mining industry Beneficiation within the mining industry including the role of the State Diamond Trader Strengthening of Monitoring and Evaluation within the Department Implementation of cost containment measures, in view of the economic recession. BACKGROUND Ministerial Priorities
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 7 STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS BALANCED SCORE CARD 4 perspectives Stakeholder / Customer – Addresses our stakeholders expectations Internal Process – What business processes are needed to satisfy our stakeholders Learning & Growth – People and systems required to sustain the department as a learning organisation Financial – prudent stewardship of limited resources
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 8 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1.Actively Contribute to sustainable development 2.Promote and Transform the Minerals sector 3.Regulate the Minerals Sector 4.Effective and Efficient Service Delivery 5.Promote Health and Safety in the Minerals Sector 6.Protect the Environment 7.The promotion of a DMR as a learning organization, and 8.Sound financial stewardship
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 9 CONTRIBUTION TO GOVERNMENT PRIORITIES Government PrioritiesDME Strategic Objectives more inclusive economic growth, decent work and sustainable livelihoods Regulate, Promote and Transform the Sector rural development, food security and land reform Regulate, Promote and Transform the Sector cohesive and sustainable communities Regulate, Promote and Transform the Sector creation of a better Africa and a better world Regulate, Promote and Transform the Sector sustainable resource management and use Contribute to sustainable management and growth developmental state including improvement of public services Regulate, Promote and Transform the Sector
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 10 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM 2009 / 10 Geoscience Amendment Bill Subsequent Years Amendment MPRDA Amendment MHSA
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 11 SOE OVERVIEW 1.Council for Mineral Technology (MINTEK) – research in developing technologies for competitiveness in mineral processing 2.STATE DIAMOND TRADER – promotion of equitable access to beneficiation of diamond resources 3.SA DIAMOND AND PRECIOUS METALS REGULATOR – Create an enabling environment and widened access for beneficiation of diamonds and precious metals
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 12 SOE OVERVIEW 4.COUNCIL FOR GEOSCIENCE – Develop and publish geoscience knowledge, products and services 5.MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY COUNCIL – Advise Minister Occupational Health and Safety legislation and research methods of promoting health and safety on SA mines
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 13 BRANCH KEY FOCUS AREAS
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 14 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES MINERAL REGULATION Implementing the MPRDA – compliance with social and labour plan and environmental management requirements Derelict and ownerless mines
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 15 MINERAL POLICY AND PROMOTION Promote sustainable mineral beneficiation Promote investments in mining Drive transformation policies Protect our environment Communicate and consult with stakeholders STRATEGIC PRIORITIES
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 16 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY Presidential Audit Capacity Building Mine health and safety amendment act implementation Illegal Mining Skills Development
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 17 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES CORPORATE SERVICES Implementation of Balanced Scorecard Implementation of Performance Management and Development System (PMDS) Implementation of Integrated HR Plan Update on Split of the Department of Minerals and Energy
the dmr Department: Mineral Resources Republic of South Africa 18 THANK YOU QUESTIONS ?