K-12 Science Learning Standards Standards.pdf Standards.pdf 1
Understanding the Systems, Inquiry and Application EALRs are an identified area of need for all teachers in the State. Throughout the year these three areas will be addressed in the Moodle and will be built out with instructional and pedagogical supports. 4
Align to Standards 2009 K-12 Science Learning Standards for Systems, Inquiry, Application, and the Life Science Domain (EALR 4) Test Window May/June 2012 Jan/Feb 2013 Graduation Requirement Required for the class of 2015 and beyond (9 th graders in ) Who Takes the EOC Any student enrolled in a course credited as high school level biology (Course codes: Biology and IB Biology 03057) All 10 th graders to meet the requirements of NCLB (Online testing – not currently scheduled) 5
High School 2010 HSPE 2011 HSPE 2012 EOC Multiple Choice 35 Completion Piloted Short Answer 555 % Points from MC/CP 78% 6
EALR Percent of EOC 1: Systems (crossed with Life Science and alone) At least 15 2: Inquiry (crossed with Life Science and alone) 20 – 25 3: Application (crossed with Life Science and alone) 15 4: Life science domain of EALR 4 (alone) 45 – 50 7
Life Science Domain of EALR 4 Percent of EALR 4 Items Percent of EOC Processes in cells (LS1) Maintenance and stability of populations (LS2) Mechanisms of Evolution (LS3)
Scenarios* Number/ EOC Items Item Types / Scenario MCCPSA Systems each Inquiry each Application Stand Alone Items NA Total * Scenario reading load varies from a typical minimum of 80 words for a Systems scenario to a maximum of 500 words for an Application scenario. 9
Test Booklet Format Biology EOC Base BookNumberPoints Scenarios4 to 5NA Items Multiple choice/completion35 Short Answer510 Base Book Item Totals4045 pts Pilot Scenario and Items Scenarios0-1NA Items Multiple choice/completion44 Short answer11 Pilot Item Totals5NA Test Booklet Totals 4 to 645 pts 10
Biology EOC will be based on Systems (EALR 1), Inquiry (EALR 2), Application (EALR 3) and Life Science Domain (EALR 4) Content Standards All students in biology and all 10 th grade students will take the exam Performance Level Descriptors will be developed in October and available in February OSPI Science Assessment website contains current schedules, applications, and updates 11
Biology Test and Item Specifications Biology EOC Sample Item Templates Biology Updates Document w/Sample Scenarios & Items Webinar and PowerPoint will be available at: Assessment questions? 12