+ Fractions
+ Part of a whole
+ Numerator How many pieces The number on the top of a fraction
+ Denominator How many pieces our whole is divided into The bottom number of a fraction
+ Write the fraction
+ Adding Fractions with like Denominators If the denominators are the same, just add the numerators across and keep the denominators the same
+ Subtracting Fractions with like Denominators If the denominators are the same, just subtract the numerators across and keep the denominators the same
+ Practice
+ Adding and Subtracting with Unlike Denominators Before you add or subtract fractions with unlike denominators you need to create a common denominator To create a common denominator you need to find the number that both denominators go in to When creating the common denominator you need to multiply the numerator AND denominator by the same number
+ Adding Unlike Denominators + = 5/6
+ Subtracting Unlike Denominators -−−-−− - - =1/6
+ Adding and Subtracting Unlike Denominators
+ Multiplying a Fraction by a whole number 1. Make the whole number a fraction by putting the number over 1 Multiply across (numerator by numerator; denominator by denominator) Simplify or Reduce the fraction
+ Multiplying a Fraction by a whole number 1. Make the whole number a fraction by putting the number over 1 (Example: 6 6/1) Multiply across (6/1 x 1/3) Numerator by numerator (6 x 1) Denominator by denominator (1 x 3) 6/3 Simplify or Reduce the fraction 6/3 = 2
+ Multiplying a Fraction by a whole number 1. Make the whole number a fraction by putting the number over 1 (Example: 4 4/1) Multiply across (4/1 x 3/4) Numerator by numerator (4 x 3) Denominator by denominator (1 x 4) 12/4 Simplify or Reduce the fraction 12/4 = 3
+ You try!
+ Multiplying Fractions Multiply the numerators Multiply the denominators
+ Practice
+ Dividing Fractions Keep, Change, Flip Keep the first fraction the way it is Change the division sign to a multiplication sign Flip the second fraction (numerator becomes denominator and denominator becomes numerator) Solve
+ Dividing Fractions
+ Practice