Evolution of Bacteria Joshua Jackson 2 nd Period Biology Honors
M.R.S.A. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or M.R.S.A. is a form of staph infection that has become immune to most common antibiotics. This infection has proven to be fatal.
Natural Selection’s Influence Natural selection is the process that which heritable traits become more common in a population of the same species. This evolution of those common traits occurs over time. Due to natural selection over time antibiotic resistance rises within microorganisms.
What Is Antibiotic Resistance? Antibiotic resistance is the ability a microorganism has to resist an antibiotic. This means that the antibiotic normally used to treat the sickness caused by the micro organism is no longer working at all.
Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance Antibiotic resistance is a form of evolution by natural selection. The bacteria have over time adapted to the environment they were in like the human body already able to resist the antibiotic. This trait was then passed down to other humans.
How Has Antibiotic Resistance Developed When a person falls ill they are expected to take the complete dosage of the antibiotic they are given. Many people stop because they feel better. This gives the remaining bacteria knowledge of what’s attacking it and how to prevent it.
Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance Other evolutions have been caused by unnecessary use of antibiotics. The bacteria in the body will adapt to the antibiotic and once it is needed it will no longer work.
Reducing Antibiotic Resistance Keeping clean (i.e. washing hands) will reduce the chances of getting sick and needing antibiotics at all. Making sure a person has all their shots up to date will reduce the need for antibiotics as well. People should take full dosages of their medications not just until they feel better.
Reducing Antibiotic Resistance Do not ask for antibiotics when they aren’t needed. Common colds do not need antibiotics. People should also abstain from sharing antibiotics with other people and return unused antibiotics back to their pharmacists.
Reducing Antibiotic Resistance There are now some agencies that are trying to find ways to prevent antibiotic resistance like: Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Institutes of Health (NIH)