PIONEER Describe what this word means.
OREGON COUNTRY Americans felt the plains were too dry to settle, so the Oregon area had a lot of appeal. It had the lure of fertile lands, plentiful rainfall, and a mild climate. Oregon was originally claimed by the United States, Great Britain, Spain, and Russia (they ignored the natives already inhabiting the land). Great Britain and the United States eventually had the most inhabitants, so Russia and Spain pulled out of the area. This left the US and Great Britain sharing the land. Over time, the two countries agreed to divide the land.
The fur trade became a huge industry in Oregon. Some fur traders became known as Mountain Men because of their rugged appearance, knowledge of the land, and willingness to take risks exploring the area. These individualists lived off of the land in Oregon. Once a year, mountain men would meet with traders to exchange their goods. They headed to a place chosen the year before called the rendezvous (place where people meet). Although fur traders were the first to explore the area, missionaries were the first to permanently settle the land. Missionaries helped to create interest in the new territories.
“Oregon Fever” caused wagon trails to develop from the east to west coasts. Many families began to relocate despite the risks in reaching their new destination. The journey was treacherous due to weather changes, landscaping, and other factors. Travelers would encounter things such as snow- blocked paths and rain-swollen rivers. Illnesses such as cholera, however, were the BIGGEST threat to those who traveled West in wagon trains.
Travelers Going West 1. Mountain men 2. Missionaries 3. Farmers 4. Families and Other Pioneers
Answer the following Cause and Effect Statements: Because the soil of Oregon Country is fertile, rainfall is plentiful, and the temperatures are mild, the area seemed attractive to Americans. When fur-bearing animals grew scarce and beaver hats went out of style, the era of the mountain men ended. When the glowing reports from missionaries in Oregon Country reached easterners, eager farming families started moving west along the Oregon Trail.
13.1 Guided Reading Land 1. Fertile soils along Pacific coast 2. Inland mountain range with dense forests 3. Barren, dry plateau between mountains Climate 4. Mild temperatures 5. Plentiful rain Journey 6. Wagon trains 7. People camped along the way 8. Dangers of travel Who 9. Fur traders 10. Mountain men 11. Missionaries 12. families Jobs 13. Fur 14. farm 15. missions Jedediah Smith – mountain man, went across Rockies Manuel Lisa – Latino fur trader, founded Fort Manuel James Beckwourth – African American, Chief of Crow Indians Marcus and Narcissa Whitman – missionaries to Natives