United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division What’s New from the High-Level Group? Steven Vale UNECE
High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Statistical Production and Services Created by the Conference of European Statisticians in 2010 10 heads of national and international statistical organisations HLG Background
Increasing cost & difficulty of acquiring data New competitors & changing expectations Rapid changes in the environment Competition for skilled resources Reducing budget Riding the big data wave
These challenges are too big for statistical organisations to tackle on their own We need to work together
UNECE Statistics: Priorities Population censuses, migration, Millennium Development Goals Globalisation, National Accounts, employment, business registers Sustainable development, environmental accounts, climate change Modernisation
Transform vision to reality New sources and products Streamlined processes Managing organisational change to support modernisation and collaboration A strategy for modernisation
Transform vision to reality New sources and products Streamlined processes Managing organisational change to support modernisation and collaboration Conference of European Statisticians, June 2012 A strategy for modernisation Endorsed
Using common standards, statistics can be produced in a more efficient way No domain is special! Do new methods and tools support this vision, or do they reinforce a stove-pipe mentality?
Projects 2012 2013
Other HLG Activities Big data “What does Big data mean for official statistics?” www1.unece.org/stat/platform/x/toeZB Coordinating role for HLG? Legal / licensing issues Paper from Canada
HLG governance issues The work is growing Expectations are rising More efficient structure needed Re-organisation of UNECE expert groups Clearer focus on modernisation
Do you want to get involved? Modernisation committees Projects Sprints / virtual task teams / reviews Other activities / project proposals? Let us know
More information HLG Wiki www1.unece.org/stat/platform/display/hlgbas Linked Group Business Architecture in Statistics