Minnesota First Detectors Pest Pathways Transporting Trouble Firewood, Nursery Stock, Hobbyist Wood, Recreational Materials and More
Minnesota First Detectors Pathways Natural distribution Human assisted movement Take a moment to think of some ways in which we, humans, can move pests.
Minnesota First Detectors Firewood Photos from the MDA
Minnesota First Detectors Specialty Wood for Cooking Photos from the MDA
Minnesota First Detectors Firewood, Chunks & Chips AlderMaple AlmondMesquite ApricotNectarine ApplePecan BirchPeach CherryPear CitrusPlum GrapeRed Oak HickoryWhite Oak Honey LocustWalnut Specialty Wood for Cooking
Minnesota First Detectors Woodworking Stock and Veneer Logs s.com/slabs/walnut-slabs / Walnut for crafting pl?read=531138
Minnesota First Detectors Woodworking Stock and Veneer Logs
Minnesota First Detectors Logs for Log Home Building Mountain pine beetled killed bunk beds made, sold & bought in MN. Photo from A. Gupta Photo from MDA
Minnesota First Detectors Nursery Stock
Minnesota First Detectors Household & Recreational items Photos by the MDA GM egg masses on home GM egg masses in mailbox GM egg masses on picnic table
Minnesota First Detectors Photo from Flickr by Urtica Photo from Play Clean Go Seed movement
Minnesota First Detectors What Can YOU Do? Limit movement of materials Request proof of inspection Self inspect Know how to ID suspect firewood Know how to ID target pests Know the risk; know the rules & Spread the word!
Minnesota First Detectors Questions… Kathy Kromroy, Research Scientist, MDA & Angela Gupta, UMN Extension Forester