What makes places vulnerable to earthquakes?
Natural features of the environment that make it vulnerable to earthquakes Brainstorm all the natural features of the environment that make it vulnerable to earthquakes Brainstorm all the natural features of the environment that make it vulnerable to earthquakes
Location of plate boundary Location of plate boundary Location of faultlines Location of faultlines Ground composition Ground composition Close to the sea – risk of tsunamis Close to the sea – risk of tsunamis
Cultural features of the environment Brainstorm all the cultural features of the environment that make it vulnerable to earthquakes Brainstorm all the cultural features of the environment that make it vulnerable to earthquakes
Location of populations Location of populations Density of population and infrastructure Density of population and infrastructure Development level of the country Development level of the country Building structure Building structure
Examples of earthquakes Canterbury, NZ HaitiChileJapan Date, Magnitude Location – Plate boundaries Population # of deaths as a result of EQ GDP Literacy rates Life Expectancy