The Journey: Common Core State Standards Principals’ Meeting September 20, 2012
Get your questions answered now!
Desired Outcomes
ELA COMMON CORE STANDARDS: Instructional Support Literacy is a right, not a privilege Wake County Public School System
Agenda Thinking Device Big Ideas Modeled Reading Interactive Read Alouds Mini-Lessons Resources
Thinking Device What lessons on engagement are demonstrated in this video? How do we as educators compel learners to be and stay engaged?
Think~Pair~Share What lessons on engagement are demonstrated in this video? How do we as educators compel learners to be and stay engaged? To access video clip: Go to and type in Som Sabadell Flashmob
Allington’s Reading Research Balanced Literacy Daily CAFÉ Structure Literacy is a right, not a privilege. ELA Common Core State Standards
These 8 questions on reading essentials are a place to start as you consider the elements of reading instruction and how they fit together as a whole in classrooms with Common Core intentions. Burkins & Yaris
Instructional Shifts in ELA Common Core State Standards 6 Shifts3 Shifts Shift 1: Balancing informational and literary text Shift 2: Building knowledge in the disciplines Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational texts Shift 4: Text-based answers Shift 5: Writing from sources Reading and writing grounded in evidence from text Shift 3: Staircase of complexity Shift 6: Academic vocabulary Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary
Modeled Reading Small Group Instruction Shared Reading Collaborative Reading Independent Reading Balanced Reading Instruction with Common Core Intentions Decreasing Support Increasing Independence
Modeled Reading Interactive Read Alouds Mini-Lessons
Essentials to Interactive Read Alouds Careful selection of above grade level text Detailed plan What? How? Think Aloud Turn and Talk
Video: Interactive Read Aloud
Sharing Insights Tone Method Content
Kindergarten 1 st Grade 2 nd Grade 3 rd Grade 4 th Grade 5 th Grade Quote accurately from the text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences Ask and answer questions about key details in the text Anchor Standard 1 CAFÉ Menu Strategy Make and adjust predictions; use text to confirm
Modeled Reading Interactive Read Alouds Mini-Lessons
Architecture of a Mini-Lesson Connection Teach Active Engagement/Guided Practice Link
Modeled Reading Small Group Instruction Shared Reading Collaborative Reading Independent Reading Balanced Reading Instruction with Common Core Intentions Decreasing Support Increasing Independence
Daily CAFÉ
In looking at the common core the overall emphasis is movement away from discreet skills taught in isolation. All learning “reading/writing” is put into context… Reading Writing Listening Speaking Language is taught through actual experiences with…
Study Island
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The Journey… What is in your suitcase? Take a moment to brainstorm individually. Note: There are no luggage weight limits for this journey.
The Journey What are things that EVERYONE should have in the suitcase? Let’s explore: Go to Intranet Click on Departments Click on Academics
The Journey What are things that EVERYONE should have in the suitcase? Explore the Resources tab in C-MAPP. Choose any subject and grade level. Explore the Toolkits found on the Academics Site.
The Journey What training is available for teachers? Grade-level specific for ELA & Math Traditional Schools – 1 representative PER grade level YR Schools – 2 representatives PER grade level Location – Room 1400, Crossroads II Time – 1:00-5:00 (sub costs provided)
The Journey What training is available to teachers? MathLiteracy September 53 rd grade September 12 1 st grade September 19 4 th grade September 25 2 nd grade October 3 5 th grade October 4 3 rd grade October 17 Kindergarten October 24 4 th grade November 1 1 st grade November 7 5 th grade November 14 2 nd grade November 28 Kindergarten
Sharing Insights
The Journey Where is YOUR school?
Stoplight Sort 1. Hand out strips of paper. 2. Starting with number one, read aloud the statement. 3. As a group, ask the following question: “Where are most WCPSS elementary schools on this journey?” Red = Not Yet Started Yellow = Needs work Red = Not Yet Started Yellow = Needs work Green = Ready to Go! Green = Ready to Go! 4. Place strip of paper on red, yellow, or green construction paper.
The Journey: Next Steps What are your needs? Use post-it notes at your table. List items that are still missing from your suitcase. Post on the large suitcase in the front of the room.
Today’s Reflection Please give us your feedback!
Learning Focus Topics Write your name & school under the topic that interests you most. New Principals – Please write your name & school on the poster titled as such