Koumaran Pajaniradja Natural Disasters Management Advisor Ministry for Home Affairs – France Civil Protection – Department of Multi-Hazards Management Geneva, November 28 th 2007 Civil protection and Met services, a partnership to manage natural hazards and disasters hazards and disasters
Civil protection and Met services, a partnership to manage natural hazards and disasters 1- Brief Introduction : French legislation on risk prevention and crisis management 2- Operational response to natural disasters 3- The key role of Met services in global natural risk management
1- French legislation on risk prevention and crisis management The law for natural and technological risks – 2003 July 30th - in order to assess and reduce the risk before a crisis, - administrated by the Ministry of ecology and sustainable development, - urban planning to conciliate living conditions with those of nature, - protection measures (water basin retention, territory management,…) - wide and precise information of the citizens about risks The law for civil protection crisis mangement – 2004 August 13th - defines administrative and operational ruling of crisis management, - recalls that the citizen has a basic responsability in its own security, - asserts that operational response require continuous watch on any risk.
2- Operational response to natural disasters Modularity and complementary action DEPARTEMANTAL MEANS Prefect LOCAL MEANS Mayor NATIONAL MEANS Ministry for Homme Affairs Civil Protection National Head Quarter REGIONAL MEANS Prefect for the zone RESPONSE Local Met Information Regional Met Information National Met Information
3- The key role of Met services in global natural risk management PREVENTION Preparedness RESPONSE RECOVERY FEED-BACK
Before the crisis: - Improve our knowledge about natural risk: What we know about the hazard? How does it occur? Where? What happened then? Are the rescue teams well localized according to this? -Prepare response plans associating Met experts -Have a continuous watch with vigilance system - Common Training activities and crisis simulations with Met services 3- The key role of Met services in global natural risk management
Continuous Risk assesment DECISION MAKERS Let the Met experts be real crisis management advisors CITIZENS RESCUE - RESPONSE INFORMATION Warnings 3- The key role of Met services in global natural risk management During the crisis: Met information, a support for decsision-makers MET EXPERTS
3- The key role of Met services in global natural risk management After the crisis: Learn the lessons et draw the common improvements What did work? What didn’t and why? Operational solutions? Legislative solutions? Should we reinforce operational teams or protection mesures? Was the vigilance effective?
In short, -From a supply approach to a demand approch, -Associate Met service at every stage of a crisis management so as to have the same understanding of each needs, Civil protection and Met services, a partnership to manage natural hazards and disasters
Koumaran Pajaniradja Natural Disasters Management Advisor Ministry for Home Affairs – France Civil Protection – Department of Multi-Hazards Management Geneva, November 28 th 2007