Prepared by: Sir Mohd ‘Ariff Abdul Jalil For Semester November 2011
1. Front cover ( Refer to assignment format) 2. Acknowledgement 3. Table of content 4. Introduction (1-2 pages) 5. Body content (Minimum of 8 pages) 6. Conclusion (Maximum of 1 page) 7. Reference Make sure all pages are numbered!! If no numbering found, marks will be deducted.
* Mass and weight are two critical subjects to aircraft. It is known that weight loading and planning are part of flight planning requirement to ensure safe flight. a) Explain in details the effect of overloaded aircraft in term of aircraft structure, aircraft performance and aircraft balance stability. b) Elaborate the need and the importance of aircraft load planning. Always think out of box!
* Always try to think out of the box. Find something that can make your assignment differ from others. * Remember, unique assignment will get more marks! * Always ask question. Use 4W 1H (what, when, why, where and how) concept as I mentioned many times in class. * The more you ask, the more ideas will come to you. * Make research from various kind of books and website.
Good Introduction Contains: 1. Definition of mass and weight? 2. Discussion on stability and balance. 3. How can you relate mass (weight) with stability or balance? 4. Importance and needs of mastering this subject in your future work? 5. State any historical incident related to weight.
Main body contents are divided into two parts as stated in assignment’s question which are: a) Explain in details the effect of overloaded aircraft in term of aircraft structure, aircraft performance and aircraft balance stability. b) Elaborate the need and the importance of aircraft load planning.
* Less maneuverability * Higher take-off speed * Longer take-off run * Lower cruising speed * Reduced landing performance * Etc. * Break the landing gear. * Cause damage to aircraft floor. * Changing in aircraft center of gravity. * Fail to meet the limitation set by engineer. * Etc. Weight could affect the aircraft structure, performance and stability. There are lots of effect of overloaded aircraft. Examples are listed below.
Example of explanation * Statement: Aircraft landing gear might be damaged or broken if the aircraft is overweight. * Explanation: As aircraft lands, landing gear could not support the weight of the aircraft especially when we fail to follow MLW limitation. * Support this statement by giving any historical incident based on this statement. * Explain the effect if landing gear breaks. **You may add in suitable pictures to make readers understand better. Effects given previously are just examples. In reality, there are so many effects on aircraft due to overweight. So, find it and explain them.
* By having pictures like this, you may make the readers to imagine or visualize this effect by themselves. * Discuss (give your opinion) the in details about the effect of this incident to aviation industry. * Example of side effects: Passenger lose faith in airliners Cause disruption to airport operation Economical losses Always think out of box!
* In fact, there are many other effects to aircraft because of weight. * The most important thing is how you want to relate the effect of weight to the aircraft balance, stability and performance. * More important, balance and stability always related with the Center of Gravity
* From content part (a), you should realize that overloaded aircraft will create bad effects to aircraft. * And this bad effects somehow will lead to another worst effect as stated in previous explanation. * This this section (part b) need you to explain why it is so important to plan the amount of weight to be loaded inside aircraft. Elaborate the need and the importance of aircraft load planning.
* Examples: * Why it is so important to place load at correct location? a) Ensuring CG at safe margin b) Moving load might cause CG to change. * What are factors that need for us to have this load planning. a) Human Error b) Wrong calculation * Follow limitation set by engineer: a) Why we need to follow MTOW, MLW and MZFW? Elaborate the need and the importance of aircraft load planning.
* We have learned about MTOW, MLW, MZFW and Center of Gravity (CG). * Why as FOO/FD you should emphasize and know the importance of these points. * Search the importance!!! * MTOW, MLW and MZFW are the limitations made by engineer to ensure aircraft safety! Why they made that limitation? MORE HINTS Think out of Box
* Conclusion is basically the summary of your assignment. * In conclusion, you conclude everything. * For example, out of your assignment you may feel like stressing on few important points from your research. * You may emphasize back the need of knowing this aspects (based on assignment’s question) to your future career / real workplace. Conclusion
1) ZERO (0/15) mark will be given if you do COPY & PASTE. This include: a) Copy paste from books and website (I have read so many books and articles on website, so I know either you COPY & PASTE or not. In addition, this semester we’ll be using plagiarism software to check how many percentage you copy and paste.) b) Same assignment with other students. (Both students will be given 0/15) 2) Only for those who write on their own, provide outstanding ideas and have difference from others assignments deserve to get 15/15. 3) Make me review your assignment first before you submit so that I can comment and give idea on how to improve your assignment.
* There are lots effects of overloaded aircraft. * If we can think wisely and apply our knowledge in assignment, there should no problem for you to produce more than 10 pages assignment. * This is the reason why you need to read many articles and books. * After reading, close all books or articles and try to write according to your understanding.