Chocolate Chip Comparison
Chocolate Chip Compare 64E32D51B Rate 1-10 (1 is worst, 10 is best) Appearance/Color: Cocoa Flavor: Chocolate Smell: Best Overall:
Cousin Willies 64E Price: $1.70 Number of Servings: 23 Price per servings: 7cents Nutrition facts Calories: 70 Fat: 4 Grams Carbs: 10 grams Kroger Brand
Price: $ 6.49 Number of Servings: 48 Price per serving: 14 cents Serving size: 1 Tbsp Nutrition facts Calories: 70 Fat: grams: 4 grams Carbs: 9 grams 32D Nestle Tollhouse Brand
51B Price: $1.59 Number of Servings: 23 Price per servings: 7 cents Nutrition facts Calories: 70 Fat: 4 grams Carbs: 11 grams » Psst Value Brand