Welcome to the ‘Getting To Know Year 3’ Meeting!. Could we also ask you to tick your child’s name on the class list so we can send on copies to those who were unable to make the meeting tonight. Thank you!
Mrs Tighe, Monday, Tuesday, alternate Wednesdays Mrs Luscombe, Alternate Wednesdays, Thursday, Fridays Mrs Kohler Teaching assistant Mrs Kohler, HLTA – PPA release, Wednesday afternoon
Expectations and Daily Organisation
More emphasis on subjects – less play and discovery related activities Less activity time Different groupings for different subjects Learning partners Increased independence and responsibility - Personal organisation, books, bags, playground, homework, letters, behaviour (developing strategies to deal with different situations etc). Importance of water bottles (named and refilled daily) Break time snacks (healthy fruit / veg or similar) as no free fruit scheme in KS2 P.E. kits
Class Rewards and Awards In it to win It!! Earn raffle tickets for good work and behaviour during the day. At the end of the day we draw a winning ticket and the winner gets to choose a treat from the tin. Oscars-every Friday we have an Oscars ceremony where 4 members of the class are picked out and awarded an Oscar! They get to take a card home and their photo is put on the Oscars board. Team points are collected for good work throughout the week and recorded on their colour team charts. The individuals with the highest amount of team points at the end of the week gets a certificate.
Literac y
Reading Home reading books: Children can choose and change their own books at the start of the day. They write their new books in our reading record. They choose from colour banded boxes, which are based on attainment levels. Guided and Group reading may take place at different times of the year as part of our Interventions Timetable. Some readers will also be heard read daily by Mrs Kohler. Independent reading-the children are given opportunities to read quietly at the start of morning and afternoon sessions.
Reading Comprehension In Key Stage 2, the focus moves from decoding to comprehension. We teach weekly Reading Comprehension sessions. We teach the children retrieval and Inference skills: Retrieval Skills-we refer to them as Bread and Butter questions! They are based on finding information directly from the text and are the easiest questions to answer. Inference Skills-we call them Jam questions! The children have to be detectives and read between the lines to find the answers. Inference is a sophisticated skill which is developed throughout Key Stage 2. Please focus on comprehension questions when hearing your child read.
Writing Handwriting sessions and focus on pride in presentation Spelling & phonic strategies Sentences and punctuation Vocabulary –adverbs, adjectives and verbs. VCOP Grammar sessions 3 mornings a week
Spelling Spellings are tested and set every Thursday. They are put into a book. Each week your child will write their scores in and highlight any words they didn’t get right. Spellings are differentiated. They are based on Phonic phases and the statutory word lists produced by the Government. Ability groups will change as children move between Phonics groups. It is also dependent on their progress in tests. Please help them practise their spellings weekly. The children get a great sense of achievement from getting good scores. All scores are recorded weekly onto cards so you can see their progress over time.
Ability groups based on TA’s and SAT’s. Differentiated objectives (WALTs). Homework – 20 minutes per week & weekly times tables. Weekly Mental Maths Tests & times tables. Parental support at home – methods & strategies.
Additio n Rapid recall of addition facts, numbers up to 20. Big emphasis on mental methods & calculation strategies. Pencil and paper methods.
Subtraction Rapid recall of subtraction facts, numbers up to 20. Big emphasis on mental methods & calculation strategies. Pencil and paper methods. Time for a little task!
Multiplication Know by heart multiplications facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 up to 10x. Mental methods through jottings. Pencil and paper strategies.
Division Differences between sharing and grouping. Mental Methods through jottings.
Other key areas within Maths Fractions of shapes and numbers – ½, ⅓, ¼, ¹/5, ¹/10. Time Money Problem Solving Symmetry and Right Angles Interpreting Data KEY OBJECTIVES: see page….
Supporting Children All groups have weekly scheduled support in Maths and Literacy, working with either the Teacher or Mrs Kohler. Children revisit work 1-1 with the Teacher/TA if they need additional support or if they would benefit from extension activities. Throughout the year, children will be targeted through small Intervention groups. This will be based on their ability, and progress, in Reading, Writing and Maths and will be tailored to their individual needs. Children requiring additional support will have an Additional Support plan which will be evaluated every term.
We recognise that every child is unique and we get to know your child very well. We use a range of strategies to help each child achieve their potential and be happy members of the class. We will share any concerns we have about your child with you. Please make sure you come and talk to us if you, or your child, has any concerns, even if it involves sensitive issues. It is important we work in partnership to best support your child.
Thank you for attending this afternoon; we hope it has been useful! We look forward to seeing you at the forthcoming parents’ evenings throughout the year!