Interactive Whiteboards Simone N. Millington-Motley Walden University
What is an Interactive Whiteboard?
Uses for Interactive Whiteboards Classroo m to Office
The Need for IWBs in Education 1.Presentation, demonstration and modeling 2. Actively engaging pupils 3. Improving the pace and flow of lessons
The Research Rose, D. H., & Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the Digital Age : Universal Design for Learning - Chapter 4 Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
History of Interactive Whiteboards
The Development of the IWB Problems Initial Market Current Market
The Brands SMART Promethean Mimio Hitachi StarBoard InterWrite ACTIVboard PolyVision
The Commercialization of the IWB
The Pros of the IWB
The Cons of the IWB
Timeline of Interactive Whiteboards
Rate of Adoption
S Curve for IWB
Commercialization of the IWB
IWB Flipcharts