Technical Analysis
1500U Floor area 1500 cm P drawer style Floor area 2064 cm 2 LET’S FOCUS ON IT!
NYLON GASKET all around the LID WITHOUT the LATCHES the TOP just leans on the CAGE BASE !!! TOP LID BASE The user friendly CLAMPS provide the needed FORCE to ensure a secure seal between top cover and cage base
Accordingly with all the scientific evidences & the new US Guideline 2010 – eight edition – both the AIR INLET and OUTLET are located in the rear TOP of the CAGE Max air speed at animal level = 0,05 m/s << 0,2 m/s (suggested threshold) Animal Stress Animal Heat Loss
The CAGE BASE is SYMMETRIC NO WASTE of TIME finding the correct SIDE Time & Effort During cage change procedures
Cage Base Stacking lug10 cages in a stack … 1500U = 123 mm1315,9 mm
Excellent Visibility inside the cage !!! Time & Effort During daily check operations
EASY PUSH AND PULL Accessibility to the animals
EXTERNAL WATER BOTTLE SELF-CENTERING BOTTLE DEPRESSION Time & Effort During bottle change procedures Animal Stress
3 lips SILICON GASKET around the BOTTLE NECK CONE-shaped BOTTLE CAP Prevent water from leaking Water availability for the animals
Cage Sealing Gases Exchange Mice in well condition after 48h of NO VENTILATION Allergens at room level *VFE: Virus Filtration Efficiency **BFE: Bacteria Filtration Efficiency MICROBIOLOGICAL FILTER (VFE* ≥ % BFE** ≥ %)
VERTICAL AIR DISTRIBUTION PLENUM Time & Effort During washing procedures !!! Washing Performance Exhausted particles (bedding, hairs, debrees, …) fall down by gravity in the vertical plenum without occluding them BEDDING MATERIALS & DUST TRAPPED INSIDE THEM
EASY TO BE DISASSEMBLED FOR WASHING TOOLS FREE PROCEDURE - Remove Nozzles & blue caps - Remove the main horizontal plenum - Disconnect the rack from the AHU 7 mins and 1 operator needed !!! - 75 % Running costs compared to the main competitors
Low ENERGY consumption & HEAT emission Plastic Cover Light & Ergonomic User-friendly interface at eye level HEPA filtration efficiency through DOP TEST Needed force to move < 35 N Running costs Safety for animals & operators Eco-friendliness Effort for the operators
RACK # 1RACK # 2 SUPPLY PLENUM EXHAUST PLENUM Pressure drop Homogeneity of the intra-cage parameters across the rack
Possibility to selectively remote the ALARM !!! (Settable range of alarm for each parameter) Wi-Fi software package that monitors and controls remotely all the working conditions of the AHUs and keeps a constant record of the parameters.
Which are the parameters studied in this test CAGE VENTILATION PARAMETERS Air Flow Velocity Differential Pressure Local Air Exchange Rate (ACH) Short-cut Air Flow (Air rate that flows in the cage directly from the air supply to the exhaust ) Inleakage (Quantity of air that escapes from cage or flows into it) CAGE-RACKS VENTILATION PARAMETERS Distribution of Pressure Differentials over Cage-Rack Distribution of Air Exchange Rate (ACH) over Cage-Rack Inleakage of Cage-Rack (Difference between the quantitied of air suppliy and the air exhausted in the cage) Secondary Air Flow (uncontrolled or undesidered air flow, from a technical and hygenic point of view) CLIMATIC PARAMETERS Air Temperature Air Humidity ACOUSTIC PARAMETERS Noise Solid-borne Noise
UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT (according to ISO 14025) CO 2 FOOTPRINT (according to PAS 2050) MEMBER of the GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL ITALIA PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA) (ISO 14040:2006 / ISO 14044:2006) ISO 9001 – Cert. n° 0875ISO – Cert. n° 0256A/0
Thank you !!! TECNIPLAST Marketing Corporate