Barack Obama
The Next President
2008 Presidential Campaign On June 3, 2008 gained the primary election and became the Democratic candidate for Presidency. Obama invited Senator Biden as his vice president candidate.
2008 Presidential Campaign Senator Obama vs. Senator McCain
Results of 2008 Presidential Election Obama 365:162 McCain
Results of 2008 Presidential Election Obama and Biden
Results of 2008 Presidential Election
Political Positions of Obama Was an early opponent of the Bush administration’s policies on Iraq. Called for a “phased redeployment of U.S. troops from Iraq” and an opening of diplomatic dialogue with Syria and Iran. Called for an outward looking post-Iraq War foreign policy and the renewal of American military, diplomatic, and moral leadership in the world. Saying “we can neither retreat from the world nor try to bully it into submission,” he called on Americans to “lead the world, by deed and by example.” Stated that if elected he would enact budget cuts in the range of tens of billions of dollars, stop investing in “unproven” missile defense systems, not “weaponize” space, “slow development of Future Combat Systems,” and work towards eliminating all nuclear weapons.
Political Positions of Obama Defended the New Deal social welfare policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt and opposed Republican proposals to establish private accounts for Social Security. Said he supports universal health care in the United States. Promised to reward teachers for performance from traditional merit pay systems, assuring unions that changes would be pursued through the collective bargaining process. Planned to eliminate taxes for senior citizens with incomes of less than $50,000 a year, repeal income tax cuts for those making over $250,000 as well as the capital gains and dividends tax cut, close corporate tax loopholes, lift the income cap on Social Security taxes, restrict offshore tax havens, and simplify filing of income tax returns by pre-filling wage and bank information. Proposed a cap and trade auction system to restrict carbon emissions and a ten year program of investments in new energy sources to reduce U.S. dependence on imported oil. Proposed that all pollution credits must be auctioned, with no grandfathering of credits for oil and gas companies, and the spending of the revenue obtained on energy development and economic transition costs.
Obama’s Inheritance 1.Two US counterinsurgency wars 2.One global war against radical Islam 3.Arab Spring 4.Rising power in China
1. Counterinsurgency (COIN) in Iraq Getting Out: 2/09 Plan Combat Operations Officially End: 9/10/10
COIN in Afghanistan December 2009: Additional 33,000 troops Withdrawal in 2014
Obama Policy Refocus on Afghanistan
2. Global War against Radical Islam
Drone Strikes
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) Anwar al-Awlaki Killed by drone strike 9/30/11
Attacks 2009 Nidal Hasan Umar Farouk 11/5/09 Abdulmutallab Killed 13 at Ft. Hood12/25/09 Northwest FLT 253 Amsterdam to Detroit The Underwear Bomber
May 1, 2011 Bin-Laden killed
Counterterrorism Strategy Special Forces Drone strikes Criminal cases GW Bush policy: –capture and detain over kill Obama policy: –kill over capture and detain
3. Arab Spring Timeline
Balancing US interests counterterrorism human rights and democracy OIL alliance with Israel Iranian threat
Policies Encouraging Egyptian military to oust Mubarak Trying to salvage Yemeni leaders then helping negotiate their resignations Trying to salvage Bahraini leaders, but encouraging them to move faster on political reform Bombing Libya Diplomacy with Syria then harsh language Saudi Arabia: silence
The Dilemma Saudi Arabia vs. Iran Israel vs. Iran After dictators fall –Sectarian civil wars? –Theocracies less friendly with US? –Al-Qaeda opportunities? –Are democracies more or less likely to be allies of the US?
4. Rise of China One nation catches up to the US Rising Challenger
US vs. China President Obama and President Hu
China as Challenges Rival Power Ideology –One-Party State vs. Liberal Democracy
Obamacare: AKA The Affordable Care Act Only time will tell….