1. Light microscope image of a cell
2. E/M image of cell
3. Cell fractionation
4. Types of light microscopy
5. Fluorescence microscopy
6. Transmission & scanning electron microscopy
7. The cell & its organelles - composite
8. Nucleus
9. Plasma membrane, cytoskeleton & ECM
10. Rough & smooth endoplasmic reticulum
11. Secretory granules of glandular cell
12. Golgi apparatus
13. Endocytosis
15. Lysosomal function
14. Lysosomal function II
16. Mitochondrion
17. Endomembrane system
18. Endomembrane system II
19. Endomembrane system - movie
20. Mitochondrion
21. Overview of energy metabolism
22. Cellular oxidation of fuels (glucose, etc.)
23. ATP – the cell’s energy currency
24. Uses of ATP in the cell
25. NAD – carrier of high energy electrons
26. Glycolysis
27. Krebs cycle
28. Oxidative phosphorylation
29. Summary of aerobic oxidation
30. Oxidative pathways in cell
31. Fatty acid cycle
32. Urea cycle