Bar Graphs and Broken-Line Graphs
Look at the following bar graph. Under the heading “A Bar Graph Must Have”, make a list of the elements you think a bar graph must have to be complete.
Compare your list against the information we discover at the following website: ssons/alltheparts/default.htm#page2 ssons/alltheparts/default.htm#page2
Complete the activity on the second slide for the following graph. This time using the heading a Line Graph must have
Once more compare your list against the information we discover at the following website: ssons/alltheparts/default.htm#page4 ssons/alltheparts/default.htm#page4
Bar Graphs and Line Graphs Good now we know what a bar graph and a line graph must have to be considered complete, but one question: What is that zig- zag at the bottom of the graph under temperature? Why does the vertical axis ( ) not need to start at 0?
So what is a bar graph? A bar graph is used to compare similar things Drawing a bar chart In a bar chart, the height of the bar shows the frequency of the result. As the height of bar represents frequency, label the vertical axis 'Frequency'. The labeling of the horizontal axis depends on what is being represented by the bar chart.
So a line graph is…? A broken-line graph is often used to show a trend over a number of days or hours. It is plotted as a series of points, which are then joined with straight lines.
Before we explore these graphs on our own, let’s explore as a class how to read each of these types of graphs ths/handling_data/representing_data/activity. shtml ths/handling_data/representing_data/activity. shtml
Try your hand! Pg. 311 questions 1-4