STYLE Tess Havash January 22, 2014
S tyle. What society thinks it is What experts think it is What my friends think it is What Tyler, the Creator thinks it is What Borat thinks it is What I think it is
Style in Writing What general readers think it is What scholars and critics think it is What college students think it is What I think it is
What Style Means to Me In general, style relies greatly on your personal identity. If I were to imitate someone else’s style, I would also be emulating their attitude and essentially their character. Even if we are unaware of what our style is, each person has their own unique method of representing their personality to the public. It’s not about what we do, but how we do it. For example, my friend and I could be wearing the same scarf. But she double looped it around her neck while I chose to layer it with another scarf and braid it. Everyone’s styles are different, and what sets them apart is how we choose to convey our character so that everything we do is reflection of who we are.
Works Cited -> Image Credit: Alexandra Lambrinidi