1 Carl Berger NlII Spring Focus: Survey results Copyright Carl Berger This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
2 We were interested in: Your value as well as your use Pedagogy as well as technology Your perceptions of students Your knowledge, confidence and experience Use of 'standard' as well as new pedagogies and technologies
3 The group Female, 28 Male 33 Public, 20 Private 2 Under 1000, 20 1K-10K, K 18 Really big
4 Format: Used Bar graphs to easily read labels Chose colors to move from cool (often) to red (never) Sort so folk can see relationships Highlight interesting notions Note: a couple of folk would not give presentations to students before class
5 Video chat highest ‘rarely used’, WIKI, PodCasting highest ‘like to use’
6 Newer technologies may have more potential
7 We perceive that they sure do use it!
8 Wow, big difference in top and bottom!
9 Looks like we're hooked, we value lots of indispensable tools
10 Same split as earlier slide. Hmm……
11 AV before class, not new and wide diversity
12 Lots more 'No way'
13 Interesting parallels in knowledge, confidence and experience
14 Some conclusions: Matrix questions rule Graphic comparison powerful Don't try this with tables Try for comparative questions Don't worry if you miss a few Surgical surveys often yield more than long, comprehensive Add some fun to your questions. Would you touch this with a 10 foot pole?