Jagath Pathe Hari Sai Gopala Worship the Lord of the Universe, Lord Sai Gopala
Jagathodhara Sai Nandalala Son of Nanda, Lord Sai Gopala, the Supreme Lord of the Universe, protects all; He is the Uplifter and Sustainer of this entire Universe
Maduradhi Pathey Krishna Gopala Worship Lord of Mathura, Lord Krishna Gopala, who sported in the midst of cowherd boys grazing cows
Madhura (2) Hey Gaana Vilola The Lord enjoys playing sweet enchanting music on His Divine Flute kindling love in the hearts of His devotees
Jagathodhara Sai Nandalala Son of Nanda, Lord Sai Gopala, the Supreme Lord of the universe, protects all; He is the uplifter and sustainer of this entire universe
Sai Nandalala Jai Jai Gopala Applaud and cheer to proclaim Victory to the endearing Son of Nanda, Lord Gopala; He is none other than Lord Sai