HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Novell GroupWise: Reducing your Mailbox Size Health Science Center IT Center – Training
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Reducing Mailbox Size u How Large is my Online Mailbox? u Warning Messages You Might See u Deleting Items u Archiving Items u Viewing the Archived u Unarchiving an Item
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida How Large is my Online Mailbox? The status bar should have a Mailbox Size button which displays how much of your mailbox you are using.
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Warning Messages You Might See When you get close to or exceed your storage limit, you will begin to receive "warnings".
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Deleting Multiple Items Select the items you want to delete and then you can use any of the following methods to put it in the trash: u Press Delete on the keyboard u Drag the selection to the Trash u Right-click and choose Delete u Right-click and Delete and Empty The Delete and Empty option will remove the item from GroupWise, skipping the Trash
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Multiple Selections - Shift Key u Click the topmost message u Press and hold your SHIFT key u Click on the last message u Let go of the SHIFT key.
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Multiple Selections - Control (Ctrl) Key u Click on a message u Press and hold your CTRL key u Click on a message u Let go of CTRL key. u Click on a message
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Emptying the Trash The items in your Trash still count against your total Mail Box Size. The GroupWise system will automatically delete items in the trash (usually after an item has been in the trash for seven days). However, you can empty the trash manually at any time; to empty the Trash right-click on the Trash folder and choose Empty Trash. When an item is deleted from the trash, the item is really and truly gone from the GroupWise system.
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Archiving Your GroupWise Account Instead of deleting the items in your GroupWise account, you may want to consider saving them in an archive. Archiving is a way to "backup" your GroupWise items, and at the same time keep them from taking up your allotted Mailbox Space. Archived items are stored in your home directory on your network drive. (Your W:\ drive) You can only archive using the GroupWise client while you are logged into the UF network and you can only view archived items from the GroupWise client. You will not be able to view archived while in WebAccess.
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Before You Archive… Before you begin to archive, you will need to make sure all the options are set. u Click on Tools menu u Choose Options u Double-click the Environment icon u Click on the File Location tab u The Archive directory: should be set to W:\GWArkive\. You should not be able to change this setting.
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Before You Archive… Before you begin to archive, you will need to make sure all the options are set. u Click on the Cleanup tab Mail and phone should be set to "Manual delete and archive" Appointment, task and reminder note should be set to "Manual delete and archive". Empty trash should be set at the system level to empty automatically after 7 days.
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Before You Archive… The first time you check the clean up settings, you may see these dialog boxes, asking you to create the necessary cleanup directories; click Yes to each of them. (If you do not get these messages, then the directories already exist).
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida What do I Delete/Archive? Trying to decide what to delete or archive from your account can be a difficult decision, but it’s one you will have to make on your own. Just remember deleting means it’s gone forever, archiving means it’s stored away. GroupWise has some sorting and filtering features that may make it simpler to choose which files should go where. See the full documentation to learn how to use these features.
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Archiving Multiple Items Once you have the files selected you can: u Choose Archive from the Actions menu u Right-click on the item and choose Archive
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Archiving Folders Unfortunately, you cannot right-click on a folder and archive its contents. To archive an entire folder, you have to open the folder and select all the messages you wish to archive. GroupWise will keep the folder structure in the archive, but you will need to archive the contents of each individual folder (and subfolder) you wish to archive. To select the entire contents of a folder: click on any message within the folder and then choose Select all from the Edit menu, or press Ctrl-A on the keyboard.
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Auto-Archiving by Date The Cleanup tab on the Environment window gives you the option to auto-archive items after they are a certain number of days old. u When you first do this we recommend you start off with just Auto Archiving your Mail and Phone messages. u You will have to restart GroupWise (and Notify) before these changes will take effect.
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Viewing Archived Items From the File menu, choose Open Archive. The Title bar will change to show you are now in the Archive.
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Working Within the Archive You cannot reply or forward archived messages. Notice the Reply and Forward icons below are grayed out. All you can do in the archive is read, print, save and delete your messages.
HSC IT Center Training University of Florida Unarchiving an Item If you want to reply or forward the message you will need to unarchive it. To unarchive an item, right-click on it, and click on Archive. The item will disappear from your Archive list and reappear in your online mailbox where it originally existed (mailbox, sent items, custom folder).