Do you know what these medical terms mean? Suprascapular Dentition Cardiomyopathy Dermopathy What if you had the following clues Supra means above, scap means shoulder Dent means teeth -tion refers to state of something Cardio refers to the heart myo refers to a muscle Derm means skins pathy- refers to route a disease takes
Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes
Many words that we have in our language come from Greek and Latin roots and affixes. Knowing the meaning of these roots will help you to understand the meaning of the words. How many wheels does a tricycle have? 3-tri is Latin for three Where does an astronaut go to work? Space-astro is Greek for star What do you do with a microscope? View things very small- micro is Latin for small, Scope is Latin for viewing observing
Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Prefixes and affixes All of the words below deal with types of governments. Identify what kind of governments they are based on the meanings of the prefixes Affix meanings- mono- means one or singular demo- means by the people oli-means a few bi- means two part- means together crat-means to govern arch-leader Monarchy- Oligarchy- Democratic- Bipartisian-
Here are some Greek and Latin Roots. See how many more words you can make putting these roots together and tell what they mean based on their root meanings. geo- means earth therm-means energy meter- means measure man- means hand scrib-means write cardio- means heart logy-means study of tele-means distance scope-means view phon-means to hear graph- record trans-across geography, thermometer, cardiology, manuscript, telescope, phonograph, geo-thermal, transcribe, geometry, phonology, telephone Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes
terra land territory, terrain, extra terrestial, mediterranean,
Heterozygous This word can be separated as follows: Hetero - zyg - ous. Hetero - means different, zyg - means yolk or union, ous - means characterized by or full of. Heterozygous refers to a union characterized by the joining of two different alleles for a given trait.HeterozygousHeterozygousalleles
bene Well-good Benefit,benefactor, benediction
spec look spectator, spectacle, speculate, prospect,
hydro water hydroplane, hydrogen, hydrate, dehydrate, hydraulics
port carry transport, import, export, support,report
audi hear auditory, audience, audio, auditorium, auditorium
dict say, speak dictionary, predict, contradict, verdict, contradict,
fact make factory, benefactor, manufacture,factor
self autobiography, automatic, autograph, automobile
autograph, photograph, graphic
Great magnificent, magnitude, magnify,
write inscribe, scribble, prescribe, describe, manuscript
see visor, visible, vision, supervise, visit, revise