Alain Blondel 4 April Aspirational MICE Schedule as of April 2008 Febuary-July 2008 STEP I September 2008 November 2008 to summer 2009 STEP II STEP IV Delivery of 1st FC october 2009! STEP V spring 2010 STEP VI Q STEP III/III.1 UK PHASE I UK PHASE II
Alain Blondel 4 April Febuary-July 2008 STEP I Muon beam line 2 dipoles 9 quads, PS, controlsRAL, DL Decays solenoidPSI Decay solenoid cryo and PS, controlsRAL Target systemSheffield, DL Hall infrastructure, shielding, beam stopRAL detectors TOF0 and TOF1MIB, INFN,GVA CKOV A,BMississipi KL calorimeterRoma3 INFN Front end electronics, DAQ, triggerGVA, INFN Control roomMICE-UK SoftwareMICE coll Beam monitorsFNAL, ICL, GVA Detector cabling and installationRAL, DL Safety equipmentRAL
Alain Blondel 4 April September 2008 STEP II Beam diffuserOxford TOF1 cageGVA TrackerIUK, USA, JP Spectrometer solenoidILBNL Magnetic measurementsFNAL Magnetic probesNIKHEF TOF2(optional)MIB INFN Magnetic shieldingRAL SoftwareMICE
Alain Blondel 4 April November 2008 to summer 2009 STEP III/III.1 False floorRAL TrackerIIUK, USA, JP Spectrometer SolenoidIILBNL Magnetic measurementsFNAL Magnetic probesNIKHEF TOF2MIB INFN Spool pieceGVA Absorbers (LiH…)FNAL SoftwareMICE SW muon rangerFNAL, GVA, Trieste/INFN
Alain Blondel 4 April STEP IV Delivery of 1st FC october 2009! Liquid Hydrogen infrastructureRAL Focus coil magnetRAL, Oxford Magnetic measurements? Liquid hydrogen absorber and instrumentation KEK Liquid Hydrogen and safety windowsMississipi Software, controlsMICE
Alain Blondel 4 April STEP V spring 2010 RF in Mag fied R&DMUCOOL NFMCC RF cavities (1+4)LBNL 2 Coupling coils (MUCOOL+ MICE CCI)ICST-HIT, LBNL CCI Magnetic measurementsFNAL RF Power sources parts 4+4MWCERN, LBNL RF refurbishment 4+4 MWCERN, DL RF infrastructure 4 cavitiesDL, RAL Liquid Hydrogen infrastructure (II)RAL Focus coil magnet IIRAL, Oxford FC Magnetic measurements? Liquid hydrogen absorber IIKEK Liquid Hydrogen and safety windows IIMississipi RF ShieldORFAN Software, controlsMICE
Alain Blondel 4 April STEP VI Q RF cavities (4)LBNL Coupling coil (MICE CCII)ICST-HIT, LBNL CCII Magnetic measurementsFNAL RF infrastructure 4 cavitiesDL, RAL Liquid Hydrogen infrastructure (III)RAL Focus coil magnet IIIRAL, Oxford FC Magnetic measurements? Liquid hydrogen absorber IIIKEK Liquid Hydrogen and safety windows IIIMississipi