UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006) 1. 2 586 rkm of the waterway from Belgrad up to Sisak Serbia & Montenegro.


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Presentation transcript:

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006) 1

2 586 rkm of the waterway from Belgrad up to Sisak Serbia & Montenegro

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)3 Connection between Adriatic and Central and Eastern Europe Rijeka Ploče Future canal Dunav-Sava (connecting Vukovar and Šamac) Serbia & Montenegro

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)4 History of the navigation In the middle of the XVIII century almost 50 ships operated on the Sava river; In the middle of the XVIII century almost 50 ships operated on the Sava river; First passanger line Sisak – Zemun started in 1844; First passanger line Sisak – Zemun started in 1844; About 15 mil. T in 1990; About 15 mil. T in 1990; Activities were stopped during the war; Activities were stopped during the war; Navigation is reopened on certain parts of the waterway on local level. Navigation is reopened on certain parts of the waterway on local level.

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)5 Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (FASBR) Signed on 03 rd December 2002 in Slovenia; Signed on 03 rd December 2002 in Slovenia; Parties: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro; Parties: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro; Entered into force on 29 th December 2004; Entered into force on 29 th December 2004; International Sava River Basin Commission (Sava Commission) - implementation of the Agreement; International Sava River Basin Commission (Sava Commission) - implementation of the Agreement; Seat of the Sava Commission – Zagreb; Seat of the Sava Commission – Zagreb; First sesion of the International Commission for the Sava River Basin 27. – 29. June First sesion of the International Commission for the Sava River Basin 27. – 29. June 2005.

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)6 Objectives of the Agreement Establishment of an international regime of navigation on the Sava River and its navigable tributaries; Establishment of an international regime of navigation on the Sava River and its navigable tributaries; Establishment of sustainable water management; Establishment of sustainable water management; Undertaking of measures to prevent or limit hazards, and reduce and eliminate adverse consequences (floods, ice hazards, droughts and incidents involving substances hazardous to water). Undertaking of measures to prevent or limit hazards, and reduce and eliminate adverse consequences (floods, ice hazards, droughts and incidents involving substances hazardous to water).

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)7 Tasks and competencies of the Sava Commission (Navigation) Make decisions in order to provide conditions for safe navigation on the River Sava and its tributaries, inter alia, by:  Adopting the plan on marking, maintenance and development of navigable waterways;  Adopting the unified rules of navigation, taking into account specific conditions of certain parts of the navigable waterways;  Adopting the technical rules concerning inland navigation vessels and rules on obtaining the boatmaster certificates;  Establishing the River Information Service.

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)8 Navigation-Former status Until 1991 national waterway of SFRJ (navigation only under the flag of SFRJ); Until 1991 national waterway of SFRJ (navigation only under the flag of SFRJ); After 1991 there was no unique navigation regime on the Sava river. After 1991 there was no unique navigation regime on the Sava river.

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)9 Navigation regime under the FASRB Navigation is open for merchant vessels of any state; Navigation is open for merchant vessels of any state; Merchant vessels are free to enter the ports; Merchant vessels are free to enter the ports; The Parties shall undertake measures to maintain the waterway; The Parties shall undertake measures to maintain the waterway; Decisions of the Sava Commission shall be binding upon all the Parties. Decisions of the Sava Commission shall be binding upon all the Parties.

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)10 Present navigational conditions Lack of the proper maintenance of the waterway; Lack of the proper maintenance of the waterway; Insufficient marking of the waterway; Insufficient marking of the waterway; Low level of the navigation safety. Low level of the navigation safety.

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)11 Rehabilitation and development of navigation Aims are to: Restore waterway to the level of navigability before 1990; Restore waterway to the level of navigability before 1990; Develop and improve waterway up to class IV; Develop and improve waterway up to class IV; Develop and improve waterway up to class V. Develop and improve waterway up to class V.

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)12 Secretariat Started to operate on 09 th January 2006; Started to operate on 09 th January 2006; Secretary: Mr. Dejan Komatina, dr. sci.; Secretary: Mr. Dejan Komatina, dr. sci.; Adress: Nova Ves 11, Zagreb, Croatia; Adress: Nova Ves 11, Zagreb, Croatia; Telephone: ; Telephone: ; Fax: ; Fax: ;

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)13 Logo

UNECE Working party SC.3 (15-16 March 2006)14 Thank you for your attention!!! Željko Milković