EUROPEAN INTEGRATION BY: -Ari Aranda -Xavier Bigorra -Arnau Gibert -Alejandro Grande -Anna Pascual -Daniel Preda
INDEX History: phases Treaties: 1. Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community 2. Treaties of Rome - EEC and EURATOM treaties (1958) 3. Merger Treaty - Brussels Treaty (1967) 4. Single European Act (1986) 5. Treaty on European Union - Maastricht Treaty (1993) 6. Treaty of Amsterdam (1999) 7. Treaty of Lisbon (2007) 8.
18 th of April 1951:FOUNDATION NAME: The European Coal & Steel Community (ECSC) Coal- vital for transport. Steel- to make weapons. FOUNDING MEMBER STATES: Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Phases
1957 NAME: CEE European Economic Community= common market → Rome treaties MEMBER STATES: Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg 1st of January 1973 MEMBER STATES: Community is enlarged to include Denmark (including Greenland, which later left the Community in 1985), Ireland, and the United Kingdom.
1981 MEMBER STATES: As above with the addition of Greece. 1st of January 1986 NAME: European flag began to be used by the Community and the Single European Act was signed. MEMBER STATES: As above with the addition of Portugal and Spain.
1992 NAME: European Union (EU) Treaty on European Union is signed in Maastricht, 1st of January 1995 NAME: European Union (EU) MEMBER STATES: As above with the addition of Austria, Finland and Sweden 1993 Single market is completed with four freedoms: Movement of good Services People Money
1st January2002 Common coin: euro 1st may 2004 MEMBER STATES: Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia. 29 October 2004 The Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty to limit global warming and cut emissions of greenhouse gases.
31 March 2003 EU takes on peace-keeping operations in the Balkans, firstly in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and then in Bosnia and Herzegovina. September 2008 Stardet a financial crisis in the world. European banks also experience difficulties. The crisis leads to closer economic cooperation between EU countries.
2007 NAME: UE MEMBER STATES: 2 New members Romania and Bulgaria 13 December 2007 The 27 EU countries sign the Treaty of Lisbon, which amends the previous Treaties.
Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (1952) Purpose : to create interdependence in coal and steel so that one country could no longer mobilise its armed forces without others knowing. This eased distrust and tensions after WWII. The ECSC treaty expired in Full text of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community.
Treaties of Rome - EEC and EURATOM treaties (1958) Purpose : to set up the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). Main changes : extension of European integration to include general economic cooperation.
Single European Act (1986) Purpose : Reform the institutions in preparation for Portugal and Spain's membership and speed up decision-making in preparation for the single market. Main changes : Extension of qualified majority voting in the Council, giving Parliament more influence. Merger Treaty - Brussels Treaty (1967) Purpose : To streamline the European institutions. Main changes : Creation of a single Commission and a single Council to serve the then three European Communities.
Treaty on European Union - Maastricht Treaty (1993) Purpose : Prepare Europe for European Monetary Union Changes : Establishment of the European Union Introduction of the co-decision procedure
Treaty of Amsterdam (1999) The Amsterdam Treaty meant a greater emphasis on citizenship and the rights of individuals! New title employment More democracy Community area of freedom Common foreign and security policy Reform of institutions
Treaty of Lisbon (2007) Treaty of Nice (2003) Purpose Purpose: To make the EU more democratic, more efficient and better able to address global problems. Main changes Main changes: -more power for the European Parliament. -change of voting procedures in the Council. -A permanent president of the European Council, Purpose Purpose: to reform the institutions so that the EU could function efficiently after reaching 25 member countries. Main changes Main changes: - methods for changing the composition of the Commission - redefining the voting system in the Council