Accommodating Through Technology Derek Czyscon Mike Schmidt Lindsey Morley
Topic Technology can be used to find effective ways to modify and accommodate lessons for all students.
Rationale Technology keeps students interested in the lessons. Technology provides an alternative way of learning through the visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic modalities. Technology provides a way to differentiate instruction.
Thesis We can use technology to modify lesson plans to ensure academic success.
Technology in Math Calculators Smart Boards Computer Programs
Technology in Math Calculators Used to check work Used to help compute problems once the students understand and can correctly do problems without the calculator Makes doing math faster
Technology in Math Smart Boards Makes math interesting to students Makes math interactive and hands on Makes it easy to show students how problems can relate to real life context
Technology in Math Computers Make learning math interesting Give students another way to learn math if they don’t understand ways that the teacher explains Good for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners A way to differentiate instruction
Technology in Math Computer Programs Number Munchers Free internet sites Math Playground Geometers Sketch
Technology in Language Arts
Vocabulary o Online matching games (picture use great for ELL) match.php match.php Parts of speech – example: adjectives d= Unit word search wsearch.php
Students become more interested in the content of the unit when using interactive content in computer games Technology offers new ways for students to learn by engaging them in the content
Chapter books – class reading time o Use of video/movie after finishing the book in class Use of computers in the computer lab to type up book reviews Use of discussion boards – post questions and have students respond individually to build off of each others ideas
Computer lab o Use of headphones to increase volume for students who may have trouble hearing during audio clips o Enlarging text on computer screens during typing activities
Use of Dreamweaver o Teachers can use this to create their own specialized programs and websites for their students to use o These websites can be altered to suit the content of the unit the class is in
Special Education The following activities will take place in a resource room and incorporate accommodations for replacement math and replacement language arts instruction.
Replacement Math Use of smart boards and overheads Allows for interactive lessons Enlargement of information presented (great for those with vision impairments.) Calculators Computers Interactive math games Presentations can be made on the computer FM Hookup Used to amplify voice for those with hearing impairments Connects directly to the student’s hearing aide
Replacement Language Arts Use of Video Show a video clip to the class Watching a movie that coincides with a book Having the students make their own videos Use of Audio Read along tapes Smart Boards and overheads Interactive class discussions Computers Edmark Reading program Activities and games FM Hookup
Assessing a Student Through Technology Can be used for both formal and informal assessments Interactive computer programs Edmark Reading program Sight word recognition and interactive activities Gives teacher progress reports Math games done on the computer Online activities (can be done in the computer lab)
Assessments Continued Demonstrating understanding through technology Involvement in class discussions Using the smart board Discussion of video clips Answering questions in class discussion Demonstrating understanding with technology Online Quizzes Online discussion boards
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Using Technology for Accommodations During Standardized Testing Some IEP’s state that students need accommodations when taking a standardized test. These accommodations will sometimes require technology FM connection for those with hearing impairments. Having text enlarged for those with vision impairments. Technology use for those with physical impairments. Low fine motor skills
Summary Bloom’s Taxonomy Why technology works Math accommodations Language Arts accommodations Special Education
Rationale Technology keeps students interested in the lessons. Provides an alternative way of learning through the visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic modalities. Provides a way to differentiate instruction.
Closing Remarks We can use technology to modify lesson plans to ensure academic success.